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Wizards of the Coast |
Tentacruel -
Legendary Collection
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Tentacruel (Fossil/Legendary Collection)
Weird card to review... o_O
60HP for a Stage 1 is really low. The free retreat is nice though.
Supersonic is a 50/50 chance at confusion. Not that good, but not
that bad either. Jellyfish Sting is really decent. 10 damage AND a
guaranteed Poison for 2 colored energies. Cheap and effective.
In Unlimited, doesn't really compete with cards like Sneasel and
Wiggly. Auto-poison doesn't do much in this format. 1.5/5
In Modified, the HP is too low. There are better Water Pokemon out
there... 1.5/5
In Draft, this is where it's playable. It's only a Stage 1, it
retreats for free, and a Status inflictor... 3/5
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Hehehe... I actually like this guy. Sure he isn’t the best, but he
is still fun. If he had like 10 or 20 more hp then he would be
great. Confusion for one energy, 10 damage and auto posin for two
energies, free retreat, what more do you want?
Unlimited: Ok, ok, so he isn’t really good here. So what? He is
still fun, fast and cool. But still don’t play him in tournaments.
MMF: If he was reprinted, he could actually be good here. He is a
quick posin causing evo in a world of heavy slow evos. 3/5
Limited: Broken. Too good. Auto posin wit damage and free retreat?
All for only two measly energies? I’ll take that! 5/5
Fun Factor: 3.5/5
The Bottom Line: 3.5/5
dontknow09 |
Fossil/LC Tentacruel
Not a good Christmas present for me to review. I think this is a
WAY too early April fools joke. Well, its stage 1 with 60HP. Too
low in my opinion. Bottom stats are somewhat good. Weakness to
lightning= bad, 0 retreat= good. Supersonic is cheap, but risky.
You might get it. You might not. The second attack does a weak 10
damage, but auto posion is good.
Unlimited- First of all, you must know that you can't evolve first
turn. And you are stuck with what? A tentacool. 30HP, 10 damage,
cowardiance power tentacool. The only tentacool. Now, what could
you possibly do in one turn with a tentacool? Not much. So how can
you play tentacruel? Any ways, if by some odd miracle the
tentacruel was out, its not gonna live long with 60 hp. 1/5
Modified- Same problem here as in unlimited. Plus, buzz is
reprinted. So, what are you going to do? You travel back in time a
take this card out of your deck if you play this. 1/5
Draft- Well, has not the same problem as the other formats.
Supersonic can defend a while and auto poison is very good. But
like bellossom, not good enough. There are plenty of stuff to pick
besides this, unless everyone else passes this up and you are left
with it. But i still give it some credit. 2/5
Well, now on to New Year's.
X- Act |
Somehow this card found its way into our COTD section. Let's make
this straight: it's plain bad. ;x
Unlimited: Weakness to Lightning for a 60HP card is always
horrible. Add two attacks that do minimal damage, and you have a
card that you can scrap. I'd rather do the cool Tentacool/Alakazam
combo (although it's not that good, but it's better than evolving
to Tentacruel.) >_<
Modified: Ok, lightning is played less here, but Electabuzz is
present. Also this does a whopping 20 damage and poisons an Active
Magcargo. Very cool. >_< Again, I'd rather use the Alakazam/Tentacool
combo. =\
Draft: This depends on whether you're drafting Fossil or Legendary
Collection. In both sets, this is an Uncommon card with a Common
basic. It doesn't help that this is not a splashable card,
however. Auto poison in Draft is not bad, and Lightning is not too
common in Fossil and Legendary Collection drafts (although Jolteon
in Legendary Collection can, erm, jolt your winning hopes ;x).
Also, free retreat is quite a good thing to have in Draft too.
It's especially not bad in a Fossil draft, although, admittedly,
you're probably drafting Fossil with another set. >_< If you're
drafting Legendary Collection, then this card has more enemies
than in Fossil, so use it wisely. 2.5/5 in Fossil, 2/5 in
Legendary Collection |
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