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Pokemon Card of the Day
Umbreon -
Discovery (rare)
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
dontknow09 |
Discovery Umbreon(Rare)
Here are some cards that we've never looked at before. The rare
Umbreon is, i dontknow, not horrible but not great. 70 HP isnt too
high for a stage one. It needs that bump up to 80. Bottom stats
for this guy is too good. No weakness was a big mistake people
made when creating the card. Resistance to psychic is good
too(well, resistance to anything is always good). Finally, 1
retreat, a very light cost. Attacks are so-so. Quick attack
deserves to be on the eevee, not that umbreon. Pursuit is unique.
10 damage to anyone who retreats. That sorta locks down the
opponent, but not really. The many pokemon that have 0 retreat are
babies, but you would knock them out with
the attack already, proving the attack pointless. The other 0
retreaters are strong enough to take down Umbreon, so its
pointless yet again.
Unlimited- Well, a DCE would help the Umbreon build speed and
ready to go by turn 2. SER still hurts though, and there aren't
many 0 retreaters that are scared of this dark pokemon. 2/5
Modified- Less 0 retreaters here, cuz all you're left with are
babies. Pointless to pursuit, but it does better than in
unlimited, just because thers no horrible cards to destroy it.
Draft- Really good here. So mayb you don't get to use pursuit, but
who really cares. Most of the time the attack's effect can't be
optimized. But a stage 1 that can use colorless attacks is really
good. 70HP, although may not be high, is pretty good in draft.
Happy New Years poke-people!!!
-dontknow09 |
X- Act |
Non-Holo Umbreon
Hmm, an Umbreon. And, the less promising one at that. But "less
promising" does not necessarily mean "unplayable". ;x
Unlimited: Here it's actually playable. Umbreon can attack second
turn using a DCE. Super Energy Removal is, and will remain, a
threat in this format. This is especially harmful to Umbreon,
since it can use Pursuit with two energies. This is why you should
play your support Pokemon: Slowking, with Umbreon. Your opponent
cannot switch because of the Trainer denial king, and also cannot
play SER. He or she also cannot
play Healing cards like Gold Berry. If the defending Pokemon
attempts to retreat, it suffers 10 damage, which could be fatal.
Wait... it suffers 10 DAMAGE. So if it has a Metal Energy attached
and does not discard it to retreat, it does NOT suffer ANY damage.
:( Of course, that's why you play SER yourself though. :) 70HP is
also not too bad. Of course, if you decide to play it, make sure
you play Slowking with it. Although personally, I wouldn't risk
Modified: Hmm. Super Energy Removal is absent here. Unfortunately,
Slowking will be absent soon. (I'm typing this on Monday). That
means that your opponent can still retreat easily. Maybe you can
play Noctowl with it though, the point being to Glaring Gaze a
Switch, Double Gust, Warp Point or a similar card. You can also
Glaring Gaze a Gold Berry if you're lucky, especially after your
opponent has just Eeeeeeeked or played Professor Elm. You need to
limit the amount of healing cards
played, which with Noctowl is much more difficult to do than with
Slowking. Unfortunately, 70HP is slightly less than average in
this format. And also, you cannot evolve Umbreon from the Chain
Reaction Eevee, which makes your Umbreon slightly harder to get
(although attaching a Rainbow Energy to a Neo Discovery Eevee can
still get you your Umbreon.) Another thing is that Steelix will
probably devour Umbreon in two hits. >_< All things considered, I
wouldn't play this Umbreon in this format.
Draft: This is a horrible Pokemon to draft, especially if you're
Drafting Neo Genesis or Expedition with Neo Discovery, which (to
date) are the only expansions from which you can get Darkness
Energy. >_< Even if you are, the chance of getting a Darkness
Energy AND an Umbreon are slim. Not to mention that Tyrogue (a
common card in Neo Discovery) will certainly be drafted and will
most likely kill your Eevees. Not a pretty sight. :/
1/5 |
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