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Pokemon Card of the Day
Vileplume -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Vileplume (Exp.)
This Vileplume is a bit weird. Poison Pollen is an interesting
Power. A chance to give the defending Pokemon auto Poison every
turn is really nice. Petal Dance is a really good attack (but
risky). 2 Energies for up to 90 damage is really amazing! It's
almost as good as Sneasel's Beat Up. The bad part is though,
Vileplume will be confused every time you use the attack. And
don't forget that if Vileplume is confused, you can't use the
power. Now, in constructed (either Unlimited or Modified), you can
use stuff like Full Heal Energy or Switch to get rid of Confusion.
Heck, you could even combo it with Expedition Butterfree's
Miraculous Powder (both Grass type too!).
In Unlimited, it CAN work, if you build it right. It's not too
weak to ER. It also has a weird Weakness to PSYCHIC, and we all
know that Psychic is almost non-existant in Unlimited due to
Sneasel, Chansey, and Wiggly... 3.4/5
In Modified, it might work here as well. Especially if you can
get Exp. Butterfree out as well. Kinda hard getting both out
though, but if you can build a deck around it... 3.5/5
In Draft, I would probably just use the Power. I might attack if
it's going to win me the game, but otherwise I rather let it sit
in my Bench where it is safe. Since it is a Stage 2 though,
it might be harder to get out... 3/5 |

Phil |
Expedition Vileplume
Special conditions are awesome and
that makes Poison Pollen decent (aside from the flip). What is
even better is when you can give another Pokemon a Special
Condition without using an attack. Unless you are on the
receiving end of the condition. For one thing, they stop all
Pokemon Powers. Another is that they do something to the
Defending Pokemon, whether locking it (Paralyzing, Confusion,
and Asleep) or damaging it (Poison and Burned). In Vileplume's
case, its damage from poison. This Pokemon Power gets around the
Baby Rule since it is a Pokemon Power, not an attack. Even if
they retreat, the next thing they bring up will become poisoned
if you flip heads. Swarming with this Pokemon Power gives you a
better chance to flip heads out of how many Vileplumes are out
in play. The Expedition version of Vileplume has a great attack
that does thirty damage times the number of heads you get.
Either way, Vileplume then is confused. However a cost of one
grass energy and one colorless is cheap for an average of sixty
per turn. It is worth it to retreat plume and bring it back up. Vileplume
has high hit points and a decent retreat cost.
Resistance to Psychic is big in
Unlimited with Chansey and Clefables running wild. Low energy
cost makes it somewhat resistant to energy removals. Combo this
card with Rocket's Oddish and free retreating Pokemon like
Jungle Scyther for some interesting play. Confusion is the only
thing that hurts this card. 3/5
Espeon will hurt this deck just like
Revelation Crobat. Two Murkrows will aid you in stopping them.
Steelix is also something to think about, tech in a Promo
Smeragle if you feel it is nessisary. Swarming with this card is
awesome in Modified, however heavy Pichu in your area may make
trouble down the road unless you are playing Healing Fields.
Lower evolutions choices are not too great in Modified. Again
confusion hurts this card alot. 2/5
Pulling a Expedition Vileplume from
an draft is awesome. Special Conditions in Draft are even better
to have. Chances of finding something to heal your Vileplume
from confusion is also a possibility in Expedition with Switch,
Full Heal, and Warp Point. Still a chance for confusion, but
your opponent will be dead before his turn. 4/5
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Vileplume: I do like the
power. The chance for posin before your attack is very good. The
attack is medeocre at best, but could be fun combined with full
heal or miricle berry. Still, this really doesn't warrent playing
it over other cards.
Unlimited: Nope. There really isn't any point
in playing this here. He'll just get eaten up before he can
really do anything, and he would't even effect the game all that
much. 2.25/5
MMF: Better. Still, I sure wouldn't play him.
There are so many pokemon that cause posin automatically that is
seems almost a wast to use up precious deck space with this guys
line. Pass him up. 2.75/5
Limited: Prolly the best here, but it still
dosen't say much about him. It may be expedition, but it is still
draft. You will prolly only be able to get one reliable line
going, but for what he can do, this guys line shouldn;t be that
one. 2.75/5
Fun Factor: 3.25/5
The Bottom Line: 2.5/5
The Poke`mon Master 1110
dontknow09 |
Expedition Vileplume
Now here's a good vileplume. The first card that can poison from
the bench. Can be combo'd with the new arbok. I've even heard of
people trying it with sab. kadabra. 90HP is good, but it could use
that extra 10. 2 retreat is nice. Better than 3, of course.
Poke-Power is so0 kool. It can't go against you. It will go
against your opponent. Attack is much more economical than
previous versions. Alot of pokemon with simlar attacks need 3
color energies to do the same effect. This vileplume only needs
one grass and one colorless.
Unlimited-It can have a great affect on the game. Poison from the
bench is jus too kool. SER could hurt it alot, but not as bad as
the other versions. Personally, i would just use it has a
poisoner from the bench. But ill be gust bait. Not awesome like
sneasle with 4 darkness, 4 pluspowers that got all heads, but
still has some potential. I'd give it a 2.75/5
MMF- Without the cheapness of unlimited, Vileplume can live in the
high life. Don't know how, but it can find its way up. Its jus
that bench poison is pretty good. Try it out. It might be
good. But for now, i give it a 2.75/5
Draft- Bench poison will rule in draft, if you can get it out
Still, that attack is killer. Only 2 enegies. Flippy, but go for
it. 3/5 |
X- Act |
solid HP. It can be comboed in many ways. Simply
put, "nice".
Unlimited: This is one of the very few Pokemon in Expedition that
actually viable in this format. Evolve turn 2 with Pokemon
then attack... or have lots of Vileplumes in the Bench to (almost)
guarantee a Poisoned Defending Pokemon every turn. Hmm. Sabrina's
Kadabra's "Life Drain" attack is great with this Vileplume. If you
flip heads on Life Drain (maybe using Sabrina's ESP?) and flip
heads on
one of your Vileplumes, you KO the Defending Pokemon, no matter
amount of Metal Energies it has, HP left, and/or having a Focus
attached. (Remember, Poison damage evades Focus Band.) It's also a
possible turn 2 combo. :O Vileplume can prove to be quite a nice
attacker too, provided you have a nice number of Status-Effect
cards. Its attack is very cheap for what it does, although Super
Removal delays it for one turn. Lastly, having lots of Vileplumes
your Bench can guarantee a 40 damage per turn for the new
Arbok using just a Double Colorless Energy (although, admittedly,
combo seems to promise much but deliver little, maybe due to
70HP.) Just be careful of that Movie Promo Mewtwo though, which
is making a comeback.
Modified: Sabrina's Kadabra is absent in this format. A shame,
It would have been great to KO that Steelix. Oh well. Yes, Pokemon
Breeder is also legal in this format, but I won't count solely on
since Computer Search is absent, and so you'll find it harder to
your beloved Breeder. It's not bad here too, but there's a
Psychic weakness. Espeon is still popular in this format, and
you can try to limit the damage by running the Fire-weak versions
Oddish and Gloom, that won't save you, in turn, from Magcargo. Add
the mix Steelix's resistance to grass. Yes, Steelix can be
but... it will be poisoned and that's it. Gold Berry/Healing
Double Gust/Switch will save it. Hmm. The Arbok/Vileplume combo
too little damage for this format to be really viable. So... let's
other alternatives. Maybe you can try to attack with the Vileplume
use the new Expedition Butterfree (to remove status effects every
turn)? Hmm. Again, it's very risky. In short, in this format,
is full of promise, but delivers very little. What a pity.
Draft: Hmm. Not a bad Pokemon to draft. The Oddish and Gloom of
same set have nice splashable attacks too, although the amount of
damage they inflict is, to say the least, below average. Hmm. It's
surely not a bad pick. Dealing up to 90 damage for a grass energy
another old energy is just sick. Well, good luck on getting it
and... good luck on those flips. *grins*
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