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Pokemon Card of the Day
Lugia - Neo
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.25 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 1.60 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed February 5, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Ah, the pokemon my old namesake
used to be... (Before I was RaNd0m, I was RaNd0mLaMeR, and
before that I was master_lugia! =D) and this guy was definitely
a good reason at the time to be named after it. Before Neo was
actually released, the japanese translation (or so we thought)
was broken. We thought the elemental blast only discarded ONE
energy card instead of THREE. If the original were true, this
would've been a potpourri GOD. Unfortunately, (or fortunately if
it would've hurt the environment) this wasn't true, and Lugia
became collector material only.
Standard Rating: 1.5/5 Horrible
honestly.. when I see someone play this card, I excuse myself to
go to the restroom =/
Modified Rating: 2/5 Slightly
better but still bad. |
Lugia is 90 HP garbage. The
only thing that keeps me from groaning aloud when I pull one is
the fact it's a money rare like Charizard. 3 energy of 3
types...then discard all 3 for 90? No, thanks.
In Standard, Lugia sucks. 0.1/5
In Modified, Lugia still sucks. 1/5
In Limited, Lugia is a 1st pick($$$ means more drafts), and
might even be playable. But bring your own sleeves to protect it
for selling afterwards. 3/5 |
Lugia in
I must
admit. It's bottom stats are very good for a Basic Pokemon. But
its attack, to say the least, stinks. You must discard a Fire,
Water and a Lighting Energy to do 90 damage. Who plays 3 Color
decks? The 3 Color attack is bad enough...but to be extremely
vulnerable to ER is what makes this card almost impossible to
play. Please don't use this card if you intend on winning a
Lugia in Modified
No ER or SER to deny it, which makes it a little better in
Modified. Still, there are cards much more faster, consistant in
dealing damage and consume less energy than Lugia. There's only
one use for this card: Trading to kiddies =\
Standard: 1.5/5
Modified: 2/5 |

Lugia is the "Ooooooh
& Aaaaaaah" card of Neo Genesis. Like Charizard, it
looks really good at first glance but in practice is even more
unplayable than the Big Red Dragon. It has nice Hit Points and
it does nice damage, but the cost to use the attack is
ridiculous. Not only do you have to discard three energy cards,
they have to be three different color energy cards! There is not
much to say. A nice card for the collection, but I'd be hard
pressed to even put him in a Fun Deck. Porygon2 can help this a
bit, but it is just not worth the major effort.
Standard: 1/5
Modified: 1.25/5 |
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