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Pokemon Card of the Day
Feraligatr - Neo
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.91 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 4.67 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed February 6, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
No, please, don't make me
review Gatr! *crack* AAAAARRRRRRRG!
In standard, Gatr doesn't respond well to
Energus Removus. And it's a Stage 2, which is about 1 stage
below the Speed Limit. Although, 120 HP helps it stay in the
game for a while, and it's attack pretty much makes up for it.
3/5 in standard.
In modified, Gatr is...Big hurt. Big big
hurt. Need I say more? Okay, I will. It's not omnipotent, and
Poison(or any special condition) combined with Trainer denial
can hurt it badly. Therefor it's 4/5. |

I won't do it.
OK, I will. But just this once...
'G8r 000\N\Nzzzz d00d!!!! 1tz 1337!!!
OK, enough of that. Level 69 Feraligatr is
the scourge of the Modified format. Once you get him rolling,
you have absolute control over how much damage he does with the
proper Trainer engine. As little or as much as you want. It is
one of the few cards that can abuse Misty's Wrath and Trash
Exchange. It can rip through the deck as fast as you want
because Riptide will replenish it when you attack. I'm sure
others will outline the combo in full. All I will say is that
Gatr is the mark against which all Modified decks must be
In Standard, the deck is still very
strong. However, you must look out for Energy removal and it is
a bit slow to get running in that format since it is a Stage 2.
It is also not as strong in Draft since
many of the combo cards are in sets that you will probably not
Draft along with Genesis.
Standard: 3.75/5
Modified: 5/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |

"Whoa. That's a lot of
~Perspective from WCSTS 2 in San Diego
Feraligatr, aka Raindance's Shadow Spawn of Death, has made
quite a dent on the modern tournament scene. I say
"dent" as in the kind of dent a passing meteor might
make in another planet. =/
In modified, this guy is _the_ deck to
beat, usually out and capable of doing 100+ damage by turn 3.
That's awfully hard to beat, especially considering its 120 HP
and Power which, if necessary, can dump even more Water Energy
into the discard pile to be picked up with its attack,
Nasty stuff, that.
In standard, he's still a force to be
reckoned with, but then again he isn't. The ability to do so
much damage so quickly is nothing to sneeze at, but cards such
as SER can both help("Alright! More energy in the
discard!") and hinder("Whoops, now I'm gonna need two
more turns to charge...") the big crocodile thing.
All in all, this guy is god in Modified,
and isn't half bad in Standard either.
Modified: 5/5
Standard: 4.25/5 |
Jeremy Borchardt
its late so if it dosent make it on thats cool.
I will be shure to get the next ones to you on time.
Feralagatr, the card you either love or hate.
Now in standard this card is just so/so it gets beaten by energy
removals, Disruption and It's slower then most decks. Now it
could be played with Blastoise but then you have less room for
the trainers you need. Only a 3/5.
Now in Modified it is the deck to beat. Its weakness to removals
is gone and the game is slowed down. It has the speed to beat
about any deck. My favorite thing is that the common version of
the deck requires no flips (well maybe a focus band). Its hit
points combined with a big consistent attack make it hard to be
KO'ed by small attacks. For a rating I give it a 4.5/5 just
because its so good its often targeted by anti decks. |
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