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Pokemon Card of the Day
Murkrow - Neo
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.75 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.79 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed February 7, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Hmm...Maybe I should have
saved my Poe rendition for this card. Oh well.
Murkrow, properly supported, is a real
beast. If you Mean Look a Cleffa with a Dark Vileplume in play,
it's pretty much Game Over unless they play Muk or Erika's
Victreebel. Heck, even with some Slowkings in play it can smack
their bench around for quite a while.
In standard, Murkrow is above average,
just don't let them use their trainers. Lass, RSA, Dark
Vile...Whatever. If they switch/scoop, it's nothing more than a
50 HP Turkey. 2.75/5 in standard.
In modified, there's fewer ways to get
Pokemon out of the active position without retreating, and Dark
Vileplume is easier to play as well. 3.75/5 in modified. |

Murkrow is a sneaky little
devil. When you first look over the card, you say, "Big
deal". But the truth is that if a deck is not prepared to
overcome the Lock created by Mean Look, the game can be
incredibly one sided. The preponderance of Babies, especially
Cleffa, helps Murkrow out because it give it a weak target to
Mean Look and then allows it to pick off the Bench one by one.
His resistance to Psychic also makes that type a good one to
Mean Look. Lock in a Slowking, lay down a Chaos Gym and go to
town with Feint Attack.
This is more effective in Modified where
Double Gust is about the only good trainer to break out of it.
Standard has Switch, Gust, and Scoop Up, to name a few, that are
commonly played and will break the Lock.
Standard: 3.25/5
Modified: 3.75/5
Draft: 1.5/5 (the Darkness Energy requirement kill it here) |

No review today. |
Jeremy Borchardt
this is a great card. It's a basic, it can lock, and hit the
In standard and modified its about the same. Its had many
Archetypes and after it the one that abused its power the most
is Occult Powers by Bomiester. It can lock in a Pokemon without
an attack that damages like Cleffa or Slowking in decks without
Psychic energy, etc., and uses Dark Vileplume to stops there use
of trainers so its almost impossible to break the lock and your
hitting 20 to the bench slowly wiping every thing out.
It only needs one Dark Energy so it can be thrown in Sneasel
decks easily without worrying about it using all your Dark
Energy. Its also easily splashed in to any deck, its often seen
in Crobat decks, Erika's Victorybell decks, I even had two
thrown in my ECSTS winning deck with only 1 Dark Energy and 3
In the hands of an expert this card is one of the best, it
offers so many options that I don't think any deck with Sneasel
or even Dark Energys for that matter, should be without one or
two, especially in Slowking / Sneasel. I give it a 4.5/5 In both
modified and standard, its not a 5 because of its low hit points
and the fact that it needs special energy. |
Murkrow in
This card is really good with Slowking and Sneasel. Mean
Look a baby with 2-3 Slowkings on the bench and that's pretty
much game. It's a little harder to play without Slowking because
it will be removed constantly without Mind Games to back it up.
It could work in decks like Hunter (=/) and Dark Muk maybe, but
it will sill be vulnerable to removals. It works best with
Murkrow in Modified
It's so much better here. It can fit into a lot more decks...Crobat,
Erika's Victreebel, Slowking, Dark Blastoise, Dark Muk, etc. and
possibly the Dark Gengar that's coming out in Neo Destiny? And
not to mention, no Energy Removals in Modified. ;)
Standard: 3/5
Modified: 3.75/5 |
this card should be mentioned, I have little to say about
Murkrow... except for one word "Broken"
This card is as broken as they come,
seriously. It works best with slowking, but can make a showing
in just about any deck that already has darkness energy. This
card has just about the most broken attacks ive EVER seen... to
put it simply, Murkrow WINS games... like literally, all by
itself... it can win you a game in which you had absolutely no
chance of winning in the 1st place.
An example of this would be my match
against Alex Brosseau tonight. We were playing for pojo's online
league in the top 5 tournament. We each chose a ban, I banned
Slowking and he banned Wigglytuff (one of my strongest decks).
So with slowking banned Alex decides to play a speed sneasel
deck with ONE murkrow in it, and I chose to play a Typhlosion
with Pokemon Tower deck. I had him beat when I had only 1 prize
remaining and he still had 5, yet he does the only thing he
COULD do... He brings his murkrow down attaches a dark and a
focus band, double gusts my cleffa... and mean looks.. getting
HEADS. He then proceeded to take his last 5 prizes while i was
stuck hoping he would deck... He got nice flips on the baby rule
and ko'ed everything in sight giving him the victory.
Basically, what i was trying to say
was... Murkrow is an AWESOME card which deserves a 5/5 hands
down. It brings strategy to this game, which is also a great +
for pokemon.
In modified this card is almost as good
as in Standard, it still wins games and it still goes great w/
slowking, great combo's were also created for the krow...
mainly, combo'd w/ typhlosion, crobat, steelix, and others.
Murkrow is a card we'll have to watch out for, for the remainder
of the pokemon card game's existance.
Standard rating: 5 out of 5
Modified Rating: 5 out of 5
Murkrow... is ... well...
definitely a good card. It's better in standard than modified
though... for good reason. Many people will not play switch in
standard, and in modified everyone plays double gust or warp
point. The power of locking a baby is enormous, and broken
unless your opponent plays elekid >_<
Standard Rating: 4/5 It's a nice
card... you can do a lot with it. =)
Modified Rating: 2/5 It's weak
here... and the fact that your playing dark just tells me your
going to get owned. |
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