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Pokemon Card of the Day
Typhlosion -
Neo Genesis
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.46 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 4.12 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed February 8, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Big Bad Bakufuun...Oh wait,
it's Typhlosion now.
With 100 HP, a darn good power, and a
decent attack, Typhlosion is definitely Superior to it's Base
Set counterpart. If you have 2 of these sitting on the bench,
it's pretty much an extra energy per turn, which works well with
stuff that damages big but with hefty discard/energy cost, like
Base and Blaine's Arcanines, or even Base Ninetales. And it's
attack is definitely usable.
It's probably best to play a beefy Stage 1
fire Poke with this guy to take advantage of it's power, which
can be difficult in standard, but not impossible. I give it
2.5/5 in standard.
In modified, however, a Stage 2 and a
Stage 1 is not nearly as difficult. Given that modified is
geared towards big evos, Typhlosion fits it well. I give it
3.75/5. |
Jeremy Borchardt
card became one of my favorites after the 2001 ECSTS when I saw
the true power and speed it had when combined with the right
Pokemon. I have been playing it in both formats a lot, and with
a lot of different Pokemon combed with it. However this card has
a big weakness and that is its Pokemon Power (the only reason
its good) is a coin flip. Now you may say its still good even if
you don't get decent flips, but I have to say and you can ask
Ness about this, it's not the same to lose an important game
because you couldn't get a coin flip or two or 14 out of 15 in
my case, and not on your playing ability.
Now In standard its good, Its hits 60 guaranteed, enough to KO a
Sneasel and 80 on heads that KOs most common Pokemon other than
Chansey. It makes good use of Pokemon Breeders, and combos well
with Super Energy Removals, Fossil Moltress and most other fire
In modified its great it makes up for the speed the format is
missing, and can be used to fuel some if the biggest hitters in
the game Blaine's Arcanine, Blaine's Charizard, Magcargo. Its
biggest Drawback in this format is the popular Feraligatr deck,
now a good Typholsion deck can beat a Feraligatr deck but due to
the weakness it just can't be done over and over because if you
get a bad draw your gone before you can recover.
Now for the rating I have to remember it's a stage 2 and it
requires a flip for its Pokemon Power.
For Standard I give it a 3.75 / 5
For Modified I give it a 4.25 / 5 |
What's this? Only the biggest
baddest fire card known to man! I LOVE this guy! First off, he's
a powerhouse. His attack is awesome, let alone the power. His
100 hp makes him extremely powerful, and his pokemon power is
CUMULATIVE! BOOYAH! =/ Use this pup with Blaine's Arcanine, or
even with Magcargo, and you've got yourself a nice deck. I had a
broken standard deck with this guy... until it was stolen at the
sts :( But oh well =/
Standard Rating: 4/5 It's good,
try it.
Modified Rating: 4.5/5 It's
BROKEN, try it =/ |

The Fire Ferret is very
popular in Modified. Anything that lets you get more energy
attached to your Pokemon is a card to consider. And since it
attaches that energy via a stackable Pokemon Power rather than
by an Attack, you can get up to 4 extra Fire Energy cards
attached per turn. This is a critical advantage for Fire decks
since so many of the good Fire attacks involve discarding Energy
cards; in some cases up to three! Of course, Typhlo is a Stage 2
and his attack does require a hefty 4 Fire Energy. And let us
not forget that he is weak to the main Archetype, 'Gatr. These
factors have held him at bay in Modified.
In Standard, the combination of Evolution
Stages and high Energy costs are too much to overcome in a
competitive environment, but the card is playable and can make
some headway if the deck is built properly.
Standard: 3.5/5
Modified: 4/5
Draft: 4/5 |
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