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Pokemon Card of the Day
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Berry - Neo
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.00 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: 2.33 (based on 6 reviews)
Reviewed February 12, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Berry is...well...Bad. I
mean, the only things that can really use it are things with
under 40-50 HP...and they'll probably get knocked out in one hit
anyway. Focus Band, despite the flip, is better for protecting
low-HP stuff.
In standard, it's slightly better than
Potion. That's the good part. I give it a 1.5/5 in standard.
In modified, I really don't see any good
use for it either. Maybe to soak up self damage from Granbulls...
1.5/5 in Modified too. |
Jeremy Borchardt
what can you say its Berry?
Its about the same as potion.
Its good on low hit point Pokemon Babys, Mr Mime, Erika's
Dratini, Neo 3 Shuckle.
I would prefer a healing fields to it anyday.
I give it a 1.5/5. Its mainly useless in most decks.
I give it the same 1.5/5. Its not much better here. |

Pok-e-mon been Berry, Berry
good to me.
*sigh* Probably on Pojo is going to get
Anyway, Berry is not a card to build a
deck around. It's not a card that you are going to jump up and
yell about because you drew one in a pack of Genesis. What it
is, is a basic utility card that can fit in any deck and help in
any deck.
In Standard, it must compete with the
likes of Scoop Up, Potion, and Switch for your deck spaces.
In Modified, if you have low HP Pokemon,
there ain't much else to choose from. Berry gives you an extra
turn to make use of or evolve your Pokemon, and often that is
exactly what you need.
In Draft, any Trainer is high on the
desirability list and this one is no exception, especially since
One Hit KOs are virtually non-existant in Draft.
Standard: 3/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |
Standard: Not much use for
it with Gold Berrys being in every deck. But it can be used
to cure basics under 40 H.P. If you DO play this card, the only
reason is because you max out in Gold Berrys. (Rating:1.5)
Modified: In modified, not much change.
Should only be used to cure itty-bitty babies. J (Rating:1.5) |
Sometimes I wonder why Wizards of
the Coast does such strange things... and this is definitely one
of them. It actually is underrated; its very good in baby decks,
and decks with low hp basics (murkrow). Its more a waste of
space then not though.
Standard - 2/5
Modified - 3/5 |
Berry is really nothing
special. In Standard, it's overshadowed by it's big brother Gold
Berry, so there's not much to say about it. It can, however,
couple rather nicely with Mr. Mime's "Invisible Wall,"
but that's about the only time you'll want to use it over Gold
Berry solely because of Gold Berry's -40 to Berry's -20.
In Modified, the same deal applies.
Although both Berries are overshadowed by another live saving
Trainer(Focus Band), if you ever thought about using either
Berry, you'd be better suited to use Gold Berry.
In draft, however, it has its uses. The abundance
of this Neo: Genesis common is a plus, and healing 20 damage is
a lot better in a format that forces the player to use the
overshadowed-and thus generally weaker-cards.
All in all, Berry isn't very useful. Go
for the Gold, folks.
Standard: 2.5/5
Modified: 3/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |
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