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Pokemon Card of the Day
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Scizor - Neo Discovery
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.60 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 2.40 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 1.5 (based on 1 reviews)
Reviewed February 14, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
This one's for R64: Scizor
is not bad. If you can bring yourself to play Rocket Porygon,
you can combo it's Conversion attack with Scizor's False Swipe
to either get a One-Hit-KO(if they have even HP), or lots and
lots of damage(if they have odd hp). Of course, it's second
attack is pretty bad, considering they misprinted it. And False
Swipe isn't great without the Porygon. But, it does evolve from
Jungle Scyther, which is pretty good.
In standard, I give it a 2.75/5, because
you can use Jungle. In modified, you can still use
Porygon(rocket), but it has to evolve from Neo Discovery Scyther,
which is not as good. 2/5. |

Scizor is a card that some people
were looking forward to when Neo Discovery was coming out.
Unfortunately, TPC send a bad translation to WotC and the card
was not printed with the exactly the same attack as the original
The Double Claw attack has 20+
written in the Base Damage spot but the text is written as 20x.
Much confusion ensued. Unfortunately, the text overrules the
Base Damage, so Double Claw only does 0, 20, or 40 and not the
20, 40 or 60 that its Japanese counterpart does. I reviewed the
text on the Japanese card very carefully with well respected
card translator Edo and the original card does have the Japanese
text for "more" at the very end. Unfortunately, that
word did not make it onto the English card and thereby hangs the
tale. That little difference makes this a mediocre card that
will not get played.
In Draft this would have been
good because of False Swipe, but the Metal requirement just
kills it since you can't depend on getting the Energy in the
Draft or drawing it even if you do draft it.
Standard: 2/5
Modified: 2/5
Draft: 1.5/5 |
Standard: I love metal
pokes, and Scizor just adds to the love. He has some
semi-nice attacks, 80 HP, and evolving from Scyther, his basic
form wont die out. I wouldnt play it in very competative
decks, but it would be okay in a fun deck. =/
(Rating: 2.5) (This rating is
biased) =D
Modified: Without ER/SER it improves a
bit, but still not worth playing in tournaments. (Rating:2.75)
-TJ |
Why did they ruin this card? WHY
WHY! Just before Neo 2 was about to come out, many players were
looking forward to scyther's evolution. Why? Because in Japan,
its big attack was 20+ 20 for each heads, not 20 x -_-. Wizards
decided that they had to ruin it, oh wait, thats right, it was
an ERROR. Oops, we're stupid and didn't look over a card -_-
Because of that, it's garbage.
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 2/5 - Like your
going to use this? |
No Review Today |
Jeremy Borchardt
I missed yesterday I had a bad cold and I was sleeping all day.
CotD - Scizor - Neo2
Now this is a fun card because its printed wrong its says 20+,
but what it means is 20x. Now trying to convince another player
or even uninformed gym leaders and tourney judges can be
considered fun by many.
Well it lacks a good hit False Swipe is nice but to finish
someone off you have to rely on Double Claw. Now if it was 20+
it would be OK but its not so it lacks the power needed to be
I give it a 2.75/5
Now here I dunno its not to bad but will still get creamed by
Gator or Fire decks. But it does a nice job on the many Grass
decks Crobat, Erika's Victorybell, Beedrill.
I give it a 3.25/5 |
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