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Pokemon Card of the Day
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Corsola - Neo Discovery
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.67 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 1.70 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 2.75 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed February 15, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Corsola would almost be good
if it had another 10 hp. It would be good if it had 20 more. As
it is, it's just one more piece of uninspiring 50 hp newbie
fodder. However, it is not without some uses. You could load it
with Metals and stall with Recover, but there are better stall
cards around.
In standard, it will get run roughshod
over. 1.5/5, with the .5 because it has a 1 energy recover
In modified, it's about the same. 1.5/5
here too.
In limited, it's slightly better. 2/5. |

Another mediocre card.
Just short on hip points, high energy
cost, flippy attack. Another near miss.
But again, in Draft, a card to take. It
can last a long time against low damage attacks and a 60 HP
Basic is good in draft. Once you power it up, it will do some
Standard: 2/5
Modified: 2/5
Draft: 3.5/5 |
Standard: Not any better than
Stantler. I really hate 2-type cards, so there is not much to
say. (Rating: .5)
Modified: Would make a great deck
with Stantler You could call it the: Why did they make me
deck. Dont play it. =/
(Rating: .5)
---OVERALL: .5--- -TJ |
Another of these boring no use
"I have no friends" cards. I'd give it a rating of
"=/" but I don't think thats a number 1-5. -_-
Seriously, if you start using this card, I'll point and laugh.
If you want a good card, use scyther. Use ditto. Use something
other than this lousy good for nothing basic =/
Rating in standard - 1.5/5 -
Rating in modified - 1/5 - an
even bigger "=/" Use qwilfish if you need a tech vs.
fire :)
~ RaNd0m |
No Review Today |
Jeremy Borchardt
This card is under rated by many
but its still not a great card.
Its not to bad in a fighting decks with its nice cheap attack.
Its not very good here but can still offer help Vs Typhlosion
and Magmars.
I give it a 2.5/5
Due to the large amount of fire decks its very useful it can be
tossed in Donfan or Giovanni's Machamp decks |
in Standard
first attack (Recover, costing a Water) lets you remove all
damage counters from Corsola by discarding a Water Energy. It
could stall in some situations I guess, but it's low HP and
weakness to grass (Scyther being in most decks) will have it
flying to the discard pile in no time. Its second attack is
Spike Cannon. For 2 Fighting Energy, you flip 2 coins. It does
30 damange times the number of heads. Meaning it has the
potential of doing 60 damage for 2 Fighting Energy, 30 damage at
the average. Fighting Energy (and Pokemon) are rarely seen
anymore besides the splashable Tyrogue and Gligar. If you're
looking for a splashable counter for Fire, please use Wooper
instead... 1.5/5 in Standard.
Corsola in Modified
Grass is popular in Modified. Erika's Bellsprout is also
teched into alot of decks. It's still a very weak card but it
does have a few turns to do a little damage because Modified
doesn't have Sneasel and other fast basics. 1.75/5 in
Modified. Remember, Wooper >>> Corsola =/ |
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