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Pokemon Card of the Day
Chaos Gym
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Chaos Gym
Pojo's Average
Rating -
4.00 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 4.13 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 2.00 (based on 1 reviews)
Reviewed February 20, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Chaos Gym is one of the
better gyms out there. Useful in decks that just need to get
going with their trainers, and dont really need a lot of support
afterwards. It doesn't fit well into other decks, which is why
it's such a bear to play against. With Slowking, you get another
chance to use your trainers. With Chaos, not only are they
one-time, but your opponent could get to use them as well. Of
course, you are the one doing the flipping, not them, so your
lucky coin can help this time.
In standard, trainers are played. That
means Chaos is good. Personally, though, I'd rather go with Lass
+ Eeeeeeek. I'd say 3.75/3.14...I mean 5. In modified, Lass
isn't readily available. Toss this in a good Poison deck and
whomp those Gatrs. 4/5 |

not reviewed |
Broken. One of the best cards ever
to be released. This card can stop someone from coming back into
the game. Lass your opponent, eeeeeeek. Next turn, play chaos.
It's GREAT! Seriously, this card should be played in every deck!
But if you play it, always ALWAYS play a counter gym -_-
Standard Rating: 4/5
Modified Rating: 4.5/5
Jeremy Borchardt
not more coin flips!
Well, its a great disruption tool giving you a shield against
you opponents trainers, Maybe.
Well, its a 50/50 chance of you not using your own trainers so
its bets used after you set up what you need or in say trap
decks to make sure they don't draw and play an Oak to recover.
It's a great tool in many decks that can rely on there attacks
or Pokemon Powers without trainers like Typhlosion, Rocket's
Zapdos etc.
I give it a 3.5/5
It's a bit over used in this format with all the decks trying to
beat Gator decks.
It works well in Typhlosion, Crobat, Donfan, Erika's Victorybell
and the soon to be Dark Gengar Decks
I give it a 4/5
Now here Trainers are hard to find and often inconsistent. I
would only play it if your deck doesn't have and good trainers.
I give it a 2/5 |
= Chaos Gym is one of those cards that can fit into pretty much every deck in Standard. It's really good in decks that run Pokemon who are vulnerable to Removals. Such as Chansey, Wigglytuff, Steelix and Slowking variants. Chaos Gym could also help slow down the new age Haymaker, now consisting of Pokemon Tower and the heavy removal line, which is a huge threat to decks that use Recycle, DCE or any other non basic energy. Get a Cleffa, Lass your opponent, on your next turn bust out a Chaos and start building up your Chansey. It will give decks that rely on Recycle, DCE, etc, the chance to even compete with the deadly Pokemon Tower Hay. It gives you time to build up your Pokemon while your opponent is still trying to recover. When the Pokemon Tower Hays start becoming more popular, Chaos Gym will be a must...
4.25/5 in Standard.
Modified: Chaos Gym is best with fast cards like Sneasel, Wigglytuff or Chansey. Here in Modified, fast cards don't dominate the enviroment like some do in Standard. In Modified, if Chaos is played, you'll have a few turns to recover. In Standard, a Sneasel and a Chaos Gym is game. You know what I'm saying? Modified doesn't have fast basics like Sneasel that could make Chaos more deadly. Don't get me wrong, it's still an excellent card here. It fits into A LOT of decks and is a great counter to Ferligatr. I'm giving it a
4/5 in Modified. |
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