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Pokemon Card of the Day
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Pojo's Average
Rating -
4.88 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: Banned! Too good!
Draft: 3.88 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed February 21, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
no review today |

I was going to review Chaos Gym yesterday but I flipped a coin and got tails, so I couldn't!
And now, we are doing Sneasel.
What can I say about this critter?
He's broken.
No retreat cost.
Easier to power up on turn two than Creatures realized...
An attack that easily does 80+ per turn.
No Weakness and Resistant to Psychic.
Can use Darkness with no drawbacks.
Splashable. Heck, splash him in any deck and he takes it over...
OK, OK, he does have some drawbacks:
60 HP. Just short of the magic 70 HP.
Requires Special Energy to power up.
Vulnerable to Energy Removal.
The bottom line is that you have to build your deck to either protect against this one card, or to take advantage of it. That, my friend, is unbalanced.
Standard: 5/5
Hey, here's the only Neo card that gets a Standard rating but no Modified rating.
Modified: N/A
Not a bad choice in draft. You almost certainly won't get the Darkness Energy to fully take advantage of it, but it's still a decent support card with 60HP, free retreat, resistance, and an attack that does 10-20 on average for only one Colorless energy. But without that Beat Up attack, he is far from broken. And you get to keep it after the Draft is over.
Draft: 3.5/5 |
Well, this is a broken card.
Honestly. To tell you the truth, I can prove it's broken, and
totally overused. Wanna know why? Because DRG3 doesn't play it.
Although weak to ER/SER, can be
used with Chaos Gym to resist. No one uses ER/SER with a Chaos
Gym out.
Standard Rating: 5/5 =\ My first
5/5. I can't believe this. But its definitely better than
MURKROW! (Sorry, I had to take a shot at crim ;D)
Modified Rating: 0/5 I'm so glad
Wizards banned this card in modified. It'd be beatable, but
everyone would use it. It's so splashable it can be used in ANY
deck, even Gatr... let alone Crobat.
Jeremy Borchardt
CotD -
It's everyone's favorite card, or most hated.
Now there are to kinds of people, the ones who love this card
and the ones who hate it and think its cheap, broken and over
Personally I think its good definitely not unstoppable. I don't
like to play with it very often as I feel it is far to over
played and I would like every one to see that there and many
other cards that can win.
Well with the searching power of these decks you can get it
going on turn two easily. It combos well with Slowking and
Murkrow to make one of the best decks in the environment right
I give it a 4.5/5
Hmm its banned but if you want to get kicked out of a tourney
its a very easy way to do it, for that I give it a 5.
I give it a 5/5
Now trying to draft this and 2 Dark Energy's is next to
impossible. Now fury Swipes and it's 60 HP and free retreat make
it a good choice any way.
Hmm well I would rather take a Professor Elm but it could be a
nice first pick from a pack.
I give it a 4.25/5 |
“If you’re broken and you know it clap your hands....” *Sneasel claps
Since the release of this game, few cards have seen as much play as this 60
HP bundle of fur. In fact, Sneasel also takes the prize for being the first
card to be officially banned from a format.
Put simply, what other basic pokemon can deal an average of 80 damage on turn two with no nasty side-effects? Slap down a couple of Darkness
energies, fill your bench, drop Ecogym, Lass, and your opponent is in pretty dire straits.
Not only that, but Sneasel has no retreat cost, no weakness, AND a resistance to
Psychic (not that anyone plays MP Mewtwo anymore anyway) =/
The thing that makes it so powerful, is the fact that it deals so much damage, requires hardly any skill to play (yet TONS of skill to be played
correctly), and can easily be used as a ‘crutch’ card in poorly constructed
decks. That’s why Sneasel is the popular choice of newer players to the
game, because it’s simple to use and can be slotted into a lot of decks (all
you need is 3 Sneasel and 4 Darkness).
So many decks have been created using this card, just to name a few:
-Slowking/Sneasel/Murkrow: arguably the most powerful current Standard deck
-Slashtap: a deck that abuses Double Gust with free retreaters, and uses
Sneasel as a cleaner
-Haymaker: the deck of choice of many inexperienced players, usually a
Lightning deck with Sneasel splashed in to beatdown anything
Of course, this card is not without weakness. At higher levels of
play, an unprotected Sneasel is like a bungy jumper without a rope. Sneasel can be
swiftly dealt to by a decent amount of Energy Removals, and/or Ditto.
Because of this weakness, and the 60 HP falling 10 short of the magical
number, I give Sneasel a 4.8/5 in Standard, and a 12/5 in Modified, if only
it was legal....
If used by the right player, this card is definately a 5/5. |
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