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Pokemon Card of the Day
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.50 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 2.92 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 2.5 (based on 1 review)
Reviewed February 21, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
I don't know about anybody
else, but my coin tends to flip around 50/50 on GOOD days. That
means Tyrogue isn't on my top ten, but I recognize that with
good flips, it's good. Kills Jigglys, Fairys, and whatnot first
turn for one energy, but only on heads. I'd rather have a solid
CC-for-20 attack, like Gligar, or Wooper or something. Still, it
has baby rule, and free retreat, plus it evolves to Hitmon____.
In standard, I give it a 3, considering
that Chansey, Clefable, and(again)Wigglytuff are stomping around
like rabid bunnies. But only if you have a coin that doesn't
flip tails 10 times in a row.
In modified, what's there to be weak to
it? Look out, Lt. Surge's Electabuzz... 1.75/5 |

I don't know. Tyrogue is
popular, but he just doesn't quite do it for me. If you get a
Baby vs. Baby thing going, you can sit there for quite a while
flipping away and nothing happening because then you have to get
two heads for the Attack to succeed. So, that doesn't seem like
all that great a Baby killer...
On the other hand, he certainly is
splashable and can take out those Clefables and Chanseys pretty
well without exposing himself to too much danger.
I'll vote with my personal taste. Others
may rate him higher, but for me, he's not a first pick.
Standard: 3.5/5
Modified: 3/5
Draft: 2.5/5 (based on personal experience
at the MBI2. I did well in spite of Tyrogue!) |
Tyrogue. Another of my favorite
underrated cards. Many people say... "psh, why use a card
that will never flip 2 heads in a row to FTKO a baby =/"
Never? Tell Martin_Moreno (Mr. I
can flip 11 heads straight!) that Tyrogue is useless! In fact,
tell him you'll never ko a baby with it. In fact, I think this
card is one of the best babies! Just behind Pichu and Cleffa.
Standard Rating: 4/5 ~ Anti-Chansey,
Anti-fable, Anti-Wiggly, Anti-electabuzz, the list goes on and
on =P
Modified Rating: 4/5 ~ Anti baby
-_-, anti-smeargle (FTKO's galore -_-)
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