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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dark Omanyte
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Dark Omanyte
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.75 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 2.92 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 2.67 (based on 1 review)
Reviewed February 25, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Neo Destiny is barely on the
market, and I have neither played with or against the cards from
it, so I will be giving tentative ratings for the week.
That said, Dark Omanyte is theoretically
an okay card. Sniping is not something to be found often, and
never in water. Use with Fossil Egg, Rocket's Hideout, and you
have...Umbreon. Only not as good.
In standard, it could be good in a
Raindance or something. Or not. Let me know if someone breaks
it. 2.25/5
In modified, I don't see anything helping
it except no ER. 2.5/5 In draft, You don't always get Fossil
Egg. 1.5/5 |

Here is a little Baby killer
for you.
One Water energy cost and do 10-30 damage
to any of your opponent's Pokemon, depending on how many Water
are attached. granted, it's not going to live long, but I could
see it being TecHed into a Blastoise deck or to pick off your
opponent's damaged bench late in the game in a modified game.
It would also be decent in Draft. Getting
to choose your target is always powerful in Draft since Gusting
cards are hard to come by. ONLY Draft if you can get decent MF
or Fossil Egg support. Otherwise, you'll never get it into play!
Standard: 3/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Draft: 3/5 |
Dark Omanyte is crafty, seriously! I
mean think about it... 40 hp, which is a low, can become 60 hp
due to Rocket's Hideout. It's attack can ko any baby pokemon on
the bench with 3 water! The ability to do damage anywhere is
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 4/5 if you can get
the fossil eggs ;P
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