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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dark Gengar
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Dark Gengar
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.75 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 4.13 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 2.75 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed February 26, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Man, TPC must regret making sleep such a weak
status. Dark Gengar makes me want to spike Full Heal Energy into
all my Modified decks. 70-90 HP, evil power, and a good attack.
Two retreat is semi-bad. No weakness is good. I won't even
mention the combos, because everyone else will (coughmisdreavuscough).
In standard, it's actually not that bad. If only Slowking
evolved from Rocket Drowzee... 3/5, an above average stage 2.
In modified, it hurts. But, people KNOW it hurts, and will be
prepared for it, packing Double Gusts and Miracle Berries and
whatnot. Still, it's strong. I give it a tentative 4/5. Used
with Trainer Denial it can eat you with collard greens and
fatback. |

This is going to be Dark Master Trainer Mike's
favorite card!
He's a Baby killer (can pull them up from the bench without
having to do the Baby Flip and KO them in one shot), he has an
automatic status and he makes Misdrevous a very scary card.
Still, he is too slow to be useful in Standard. He is a stage
2 and needs 3 energy cards for his attack. He will never last
long enough to get used in that format.
Expect to see him in Modified. DMTM says not to even bother
with Misdrevous, he doesn't need it.
This is not a good card to Draft, though. You'll never get
the whole evolution chain going.
Standard: 2/5
Modified: 4/5
Draft: 2/5 |
Unbelievable. 2 sleep flips? I wonder how awesome this will
be... definitely playable. Almost a reason to play Miracle
Berry. It's attack is good as well.
Standard Rating: 3/5 - It's psychic... but its good.
Modified Rating: 4.5/5 - You can bet your bottom button that
this will be archetyped. =D
Well, this card has been the buzz
all over the Internet.
Well, its been combed with Misdrvius a lot to improve the
chances of a KO.
I like the Pull In attack its a bit of a high cost but its a
great baby killer.
Well its just not going to work well here to many Energy
Removals, Switches and so on that its easily countered by most
I give it a 3/5
Now here it can cause so problems I have yet to see a really
good decks with it and until I do I keep the rating low.
I give it a 4/5
Well its a stage two but if you get it out its great.
I give it a 3.5/5
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