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Pokemon Card of the Day
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Counterattack Claws
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.87 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.31 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 2.92 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed February 27, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
This is an interesting card,
no doubt about that. I don't really see a huge purpose for it,
though, unless you were to build a deck around Counter type
In standard, not bad, per se. 2 damage
regardless of W/R/PP can't be bad, right? It's a coinflip,
though... 2.25/5. Desperately average. In modified, not any
better or any worse, really. 2.25 here too.
In draft, extra damage is good. 3/5 |

This is an interesting
little Trainer. You get to do 20 extra damage to your opponent
without attacking. And since it is not discarded until you flip
heads, you can be pretty certain of doing the damage. Since it
places 2 Damage counters, it gets past Metal Energy and
Resistance. Given the many strong trainers available in Standard
(such as PlusPower), this won't make the cut in Standard. It
should be considered in Modified Decks, however, since PlusPower
is not an option here.
This would be a strong pick in a Draft
since 20 damage can make a big difference there and it fits in
any deck.
Standard: 2.5/5
Modified: 3.25/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |
The more and more I look at these
Neo Destiny cards, the more I want to resign. This set is
AWESOME! And the trainers are so twisted! This would be one of
them. This is like, the ultimate offense. It's like this. Say
you put this card on your Crobat. Someone attacks you. You
attack back, then get to use an actual attack! It's a great way
to kill pokes faster.
Standard Rating: 4/5 - It's
great! Put this on a guy like typhlosion, and you'll take out
your opponent's pokes in seconds!
Modified Rating: 4.75/5 - The
only reason it doesn't get a 5 is the fact that you have to play
this instead of focus band. Otherwise, it's broken.
Hmm well
I am still trying to find a way to abuse it I still haven't
gotten far. But what I have found is its fun with and against
babies, Steelixs and Focus Bands. It will get around Metal
Energy because it places damage. And it will not trigger a Focus
band. The down side is it stops you from having Focus Bands or
Gold Berries.
Well I am still trying to find uses for it but for what I have
now it just not that great.
I give it a 3/5
Well its about the same here.
I give it a 3/5
Well I have yet to draft this set I should have when I bought my
boxes but I forgot. I don't see it doing a lot here.
I give it a 2/5
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