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Pokemon Card of the Day
Hitmonchan -
Base Set

70 HP
Basic Pokemon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.70 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: DNA
Reviewed January 22, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Sigh. We all remembers when Hitmonchan was a beast.. back
in the days of base. Well, since Scyther in Jungle, this
Hitmonchan has been going more downhill than Vanilla Ice's
career. It had some use versus Wigglytuff, Chansey, and
Electabuzz, but the free retreat of Scyther, the speed of
Sneasel, and the quick overpowering ability of Rocket's Zapdos
just butchered this ugly thing. But hey- we still see
Chansey a lot! =) 2.5/5
Oh dear god! |

Ode to Great Hitmonchan
From the days before Modified Format...
I do not like that Hitmonchan.
I do not like him, Nidoran.
I will not play him in my deck.
I won't, I won't, I say, by Heck!
Won't you play him with an Oak?
Toss your Deck until you're broke?
Will you, Won't you Item Find?
It helps you get back from behind!
I will not Oak until I'm broke.
Nor Item Find while I'm behind.
I like to use my big Stage 2's
even though they tend to lose.
<I>But try it, try it! You just must.
Bring up Wiggly with a Gust.
Add a few of those Plus Power
In the DCI you'll tower. </I>
Not Gust nor Power.
Not Bellsprout Tower.
Those B-B-Ps,
my blood they freeze.
You never know until you try.
You just might gain a new ally.
Before you stick with your old deck
Try a change, stick out your neck.
I'll Try. I'll try them Nidoran.
I'll add in that Hitmonchan,
and add in little 'Lectabuzz.
Why you ask? Just because.
I like it! I like it, Nidoran!
I do, I like my Hitmonchan!
And 'buzz and Scy' and all the rest.
I'm glad I followed your request.
I Oak, I Find, and Scoop Up now.
I played before, I don't know how!
This way is quick, to win the game.
So what if skill requir'd is lame.
Thank you, thank you, Nidoran!
I love, I love, my Hitmonchan.
Standard: 3.75/5
Modified: N/A |
Hitmonchan used to be the fastest
kid on the block. That changed. Fighting resistance is a common
trait now in every deck, which weakens Hitmonchan. However, an
occasional Hitmonchan can surprise the customers... even though
Tyrogue is a much better choice. Although back in the day, this
guy would've been a 5... now he's just a 2. :(
Standard Rating ~ 2.0 He lost his
greatness... darn scyther ;/ |
In standard, Hitmonchan
serves it's purpose, despite resistance. I give it a 3 and 3/4
out of 5.
In limited, Hitmonchan is almighty.
Consider yourself exceedingly lucky if you draft one. I give it
a 5 out of 5 in limited. |
Hitmochan (The Ali in Pokemon =/)
I'm sure you all don't want a reminding history lesson on how
way back this card goes, so I wont even go there...
Hitmochan in the CURRENT Standard Environment - First
off, this card isn't as bad as it seems. Many of the popular
decks in Standard revolve around Colorless Pokemon that are weak
to Fighting. We have Wigglytuff, Clefable, Electabuzz and
Chansey as active as can be in the current Standard environment.
Why isn't Hitomchan being used then? Well, we have much better
choices to chose from. Gligar was introduced to use in the Neo
Genesis set which pretty much was Hitmochan's subsitute. It has
free retreat, resistance to Fighting and does 20 damage for 2
Colorless Energy. Then Tyrogue was released. It has baby rule
and has a 50% chance of doing 30 damage for a Colorless
Energy...taking out Electabuzz and Fable with a Pluspower. The 2
'Chan substitutes above are so much more versatile...and in my
opinion, probably the best Colorless counters that are
splashable. Hitmochan is still playble with the decreasingly
popularity in Rocket's Zapdos though. I'm giving Hitmochan an
average rating of a 3/5. |
Base Set Hitmonchan...
Well, this guy was the bane of all players
in the Base/Early Jungle era...many a time do I remember wincing
at an active Hitmonchan back in the day and thinking "oh
boy, it's gonna be a loong game." But nowadays...ehhh..O_o
Granted, he's great in a Colorless heavy
environment, and it has gained some ground back since the Great
Fighting Resistance Revolution. However, Gligar and Rocket's
Zapdos are still quite alive and ready to kick Hitmonchan in the
face given the oppurtunity.
I'd much rather use Gligar, due to one
thing: colorless attack cost. It's not worth splashing
Hitmonchan AND Fighting Energy into a deck-it's much easier to
splash Gligar and some DCE.
Sorry 'Chan fans...stick with the Rocket's
counterpart. =) |
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