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Pokemon Card of the Day
Good Manners
- Gym

Thanks to Birgir
for the card scan
Type: Trainer
Card #: card 111/132
Rarity: Uncommon
Text: In
order to play this card, you can't have any Basic
Pokemon cards in your hand. Show your hand to your
opponent, then search your deck for a Basic Pokemon
card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your
hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.67 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: 3.05
Reviewed January 24, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Well, it can get you out of bad situations early by
getting you a Cleffa. Unfortunately, it's not always going
to have it's uses. For example, you may need to get that
Cleffa versus Slowking, but you have an Unown N in your hand.
You can't play it with basic in your hand, and if you play it,
you lose the game. (and hopefully most of you are aware
that Murkrow will eat your Unowns and no good Slowking player
will let you get away with benching it). Anyway, it can be
used to get your basics down and ready to evolve. Slowking
shows up again! You could use it to get your Slowpokes,
but with Slowking, you have to utilize your bench spots, and not
bench everything you draw. So you'll most likely have to
hold on to some basic, and that makes Good Manners useless.
This card simply isn't worth it in standard... but it can help
out simply on luck of the draw. 2.25/5
Definitely useful in Blaine's Magmar decks, but those decks
aren't especially great, either. Of course, Entei made
them better. Good Manners works to get your Enteis/Blaine's
Magmar etc. into play to help those low basic decks not run out
of Pokémon quickly. 3/5 |

Good Manners is
truly an undervalued card.
This is one for one. Trade one Trainer for
the choice of any Pokemon in your deck. This is similar to
Pokemon Trader, except that instead of having to have another
Pokemon card in your hand to use it, you can't have a Basic in
your hand. This is a requirement that is relatively easy to meet
in both Standard and Modified, especially when you consider the
low Pokemon count of most Standard decks. I find it to be a very
flexible card.
Standard: 3.75/5
Modified: 4/5 |
Good Manners in my opinion is a
bad card, but it does have usefulness. Mainly it is in a
Blaine's Magmar/Entei deck. You can use good manners to search
your deck for an entei and put it in play. Those decks are
hilarious though, they usually look like this ;x
4 Entei, 4 Blaine's Magmar, 4
Good Manners, 4 Cleffa, 44 Fire Energy LOL but its fun to play.
Standard ~ 1.5 - No usefulness
outside of the deck I mentioned.
Modified ~ 3.0 - Entei/Blaine's Magmar is a force in modified. |
Good Manners is pretty plain
vanilla if you ask me. You tip your hand in exchange for a basic
Pokemon of your choice.
In standard, there are better choices,
which don't let your opponent see your hand. That's really all I
can think of to say. I give it a 2 out of 5 in standard.
In modified, there's no Pokemon Trader or
Computer Search, so it becomes slightly better by comparison. If
you have basics that are absolutely critical to have, it works
well, but I prefer just regular old card drawing.I give it 3 out
of 5 in modified. |
Good Manners (Standard) I guess it
could be considered a good card. You get to search your deck for
a Basic Pokemon and see what is currently in your deck too. But
first you have to show your hand to your opponent that you have
no basics. Good Manners could help a lot late game when you need
to see what the cards are in your deck before Oaking. I could
see this card being used in Hay variants that use lots of tech
and splashable cards... maybe? A free look at your deck and
being able to chose a basic from it doesn't sound that bad at
Good Manners
(Modified) - Of course we have Misty's Wrath, Master Ball,
Erika's Maids, Professor Elm and maxed out Cleffas to get what
we want in Modified...would Good Manners be worth playing? Since
99.9% of all Modified decks focus around Evolution, and Manners
allows you to get a Basic Pokemon (not an evolution), I would
say no. It's good in Standard, but I wouldn't suggest playing it
in Modified because we have much better options to chose from.
Standard: 3/5
Modified: 2.25/5 |

Hmm...Good Manners. This is
an interesting card to review, in that it is neither worthless
nor a staple in every deck.
There was a time, however, in which Good
Manners was used in a lot of decks. However, something has
happened since then-maybe it was just too cumbersome to use a
space or two for a Trainer that is a bit too situational.
In modified, it's used even less-though I
suppose it could be put to use in a Lava Snails deck, but I
haven't seen many of those decks in action, so I wouldn't know.
Still...in an environment such as Modified, where many games
come down to who gets what the fastest, letting your opponent
take a gander at your hand doesn't sit right with me.
Still, it does have it uses. If you run an
incredibly low basic count, this is the card for you. Otherwise,
skip it.
Standard: 3.5/5
Modified: 3/5 |
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