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Pokemon Card of the Day
Poliwhirl - Gym

Misty's Poliwhirl
Type: Stage 1 -- Evolves from Misty's Poliwag
Card #: card 53/132
Rarity: Uncommon
Color: Water HP: 70 HP
[1W] Rapids (20) If the Defending Pokemon has any
Energy cards attached to it, flip a coin. If heads,
choose 1 of those Energy cards and discard it.
Attack: [3] Water Punch (30+) Flip a number of coins
equal to the number of W Energy attached to Misty's
Poliwhirl. This attack does 30 damage plus 10 damage
for each heads.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.07 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.62
Reviewed January 25, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

This Poliwhirl isn't especially great in standard. Water
weakness isn't very common, and Scyther is still around and able
to do 60 to it. While able to take metals off Steelix (and
sometimes get away with a dark off of a Sneasel without being
KO'd), it is still an evolution that has a second attack based
on getting lots of energy. And lots of energy means Energy
Removal vulnerability. Both Poliwags are decent, but in
standard, I wouldn't bother. 2.25
In modified, Poliwhirl is still useful versus Steelix, and has
Typhlosion/Entei/Magcargo/Blaine's Pokémon to attack because of
their water weakness. Easier to turn into a high damage-do'er
because of the lack of ER. 2.75/5
Other Things:
I believe Poliwhirl is a strong draft card and especially
powerful in rareless tournament formats, also a counter to
Arcanine. |

This is one of
the better cards from Gym heroes (which, admittedly, is not
saying a lot...). Misty's Poliwhirl doesn't cut it in Standard.
There are better ways to do what it does. It's first attack
gives you a chance at Energy Removal. In Standard you can just
use an Energy Removal Trainer and save your attack for dealing
out damage. It's second attack gives you a chance at doing a lot
of damage with the investment of a lot of Water energy, but
using it well requires either time or Rain Dance.
Again, there are better ways to make use
of those two resources.
Now, in Modified, Misty's Poliwhirl shines
a bit more. You get access to Energy Removal (albeit via a flip)
and you often have time to build up the energy on it so its
second attack becomes worthwhile. Unfortunately, it is
overshadowed by Gatr. Still, you may want to consider it. And if
you do, slip one or two Misty's Poliwrath in your deck as well.
I've cleared my opponent's bench by slapping down a Wrath and
using Water Ring after they have retreated a number of highly
damaged Pokemon to keep them alive.
Standard: 2.75/5
Modified: 3.75/5 |
I love this card. One of the best
non-rare stage 1's in the game. First off, it has a great basic.
If you're using the right one... you'll have a great start that
can even turn into FTKO's. Rapids is great... 20 and the ability
to discard =) and Water Punch is broken! Just throw the water
down and letta rip! (No offense Feraligatr, but no one likes
your rip anyway. =/) This card is good.
Standard Rating ~ 3.5 - It's
good, and a necessary pokemon in a raindance deck.
Modified Rating ~ 4.0 - Even
better here... although crobat takes it out. Hard.
No rares Rating ~ 4.0 - This is
where it is used most. It's very good here... although you'll
face an occasional erika's weepinbel that can take you out.
~ RaNd0m |
Misty's Poliwhirl
is great. It has 70 HP, an energy removal attack, and an attack
with the potential to do as much damage as you would
realistically need. It has good basics to choose from, and fully
ultilizes the Misty trainer. In addition, it's weak to grass and
not electric, which means it's not as vulnerable to Rocket's
In standard, you have Computer
Search, Oak, PlusPower, and Item Finder to help do masses of
damage, but Scyther can deal with it fairly quickly. I give it a
3 and 3/4 out of 5 in standard.
In modified, there is a lack of
cards that remove energy at all, which boosts it's usefullness
quite a bit, as well as being able to do lots of damage with
Misty and it's Water Punch attack. I give it a 4 out of 5 in
modified. |
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