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Pokemon Card of the Day
Pinsir -
Jungle Pinsir - 60
Pojo's Average
2.80 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: DNA
Reviewed January 28, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

"I coulda
beena contendah!"
Pinsir is one of those Pokemon that
<b>just</b> misses making the cut in Standard.
His Hip Points fall just short of that
magic number, 70.
He has decent attacks but they require too
much energy for the Standard (read: Energy Removal) environment.
He has a retreat cost and no resistance.
There was some testing of him in decks
along with Meganium (Wild Growth) but it was too little for too
much effort. If Pinsir was legal in Modified, we might have a
different story. As it is, though, Pinsir will have to be
satisfied with sitting in the Binder telling Jungle Victreebel
and Jungle Paras what it feels like to almost make the cut.
Standard: 2.25/5
Modified: N/A |
Jungle Pinsir... is it a good
card? Well back in the day of Jungle... it was quite popular,
mainly because grass was quite popular. This could almost be
called a haymaker card. The deck this belongs in though is
Meganium. Think about it... 1 for 20 and a chance for para? Or 2
for 50? This card has uses that can do damage.
Rating for Standard: 3/5 HP
stinks =P |
I'm going to cut right to
the chase; Pinsir is good in Venusaur and/or Meganium decks.
Otherwise, it's too energy requiring to be of any use to other
decks. 2/5 in standard.
In limited, basics that do any
considerable amount of damage are rare, so it's useful. I
wouldn't necessarily switch to drafting Grass if I opened one,
but out of Jungle/Base 2 packs it's usually a good pick. 3.5/5
in limited. |
Pinsir in
This card is really good in Meganium decks. Irongrip for one
Grass Energy and Guillotine for 2 Grass Energy. Meganium's power
cuts Pinsir's attacks in half. Making Pinsir less vulnerable to
Energy Removal than it normally would be without Wild Growth.
Otherwise, without Meganium, this card takes a while to build up
(GG for Irongrip and GGCC for Guillotine). Pinsir is so much
more versatile and strong that it was before the Neo Genesis
era. It's really only playable in Wild Growth decks because it
takes quite a few turns to build up without the help from Nium.
Standard: 3.25/5 |
I am an old-school player,
having started way-back-in-the-days when Base, Jungle and Fossil
were the only thing available, power-trainers abounded and 12
energy decks using only basic Pokemon ruled the earth. My first
"self-made-up" deck was an "Energy Transfer"
deck starring Venusaur, Pinsir, Scyther and Chansey. Pinsir was
amazing in several ways. GG for 20 and possible paralysis, or
CCGG for a whopping 50. With Double Colorless energy and Energy
Transfer available, he could wipe almost anything from the board
in 1 to 2 turns. His unfortunate downfall was his 60 HP, 10
short of the magic 70 mark.
In today's environments, this little
beetle isn't horrible, but you won't be seeing him in many (or
even a few) constructed decks. He just ain't all that, and there
are too many better choices with more HP.
In limited, Pinsir IS all that, and you
better grab him 1st pick. Any basic Pokemon that you can get
your hands on that can do 50 is amazing in draft, wiping weak
Pokemon from the board in single hits.
Standard: 3.5
Draft: 4.5 |
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