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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dark Raichu -
Team Rocket
Dark Raichu
Type: Stage 1 - Evolves from Pikachu
Rarity: Rare
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.70 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.25 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed January 29, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Raichu, in standard, doesn't make the cut. It's attack is
expensive, and it simply, doesn't do enough damage. It
takes turns for that bench damage to become a real threat, and
in these turns, it will be energy removed or knocked out. 2.75/5
As for modified, I guess it's a little better because of the
absence of removal, and it could also work with Ampharos.
Either way, promo Pikachu is the best way to get it set up.
3.25/5 |

Raichu is a fun card and the only card (to date) that has been
designed by WotC! It has decent Hit Points for a Stage 1 and a
nice, Bench-damaging Attack. Unfortunately, it is not good
enough for a Stage 1 Card to survive in Standard. The only
evolutions that are used in Standard do things that are
exceptional and that you can only do with that card. Dark Raichu
doesn't make that cut.
In Modified, however, it has a
little more time to develop and, using Promo #4 Pikachu's
ability to pull Lightning Energy out of the deck, it can be up
and running on turn two. Add in Rocket's Hideout and Some
Darkness Energy and you will have something for your Opponent to
worry about.
Standard: 2.25/5
Modified: 3.5/5 |
Dark Raichu is a decent stage 1
for a lightning pokemon. The ability to do damage to the bench
is sizzling... however you only have a 50 % chance of doing 10,
and a 25% chance of doing 20. I think 3 for 30 however is
slightly weak... and there are better pokemon out there.
Standard: 2.0/5 - In standard
today, you HAVE to be a heavy hitter, which is something Raichu
Modifed: 2.0/5 - This is the same
way. In modified, you have many big baddies out there that can
rip this guy to shreds, and all he can do back is a tad of
damage =P |
Dark Raichu, like
so many other cards, is in fact playable in standard. It's not
as easy as some other cards, but it can be done. Movie Promo
Pikachu is fairly essential, since it gives it much needed
speed. Rocket's Hideout and Darkness Energy can make it hard to
stop, but it has to get going first.
Considering it's semi-dependant
on good coinflips, I have to give it a 3/5 in standard. Above
average, but harder than some to utilize.
In modified, without Energy
Removal stomping all over it, it's better. Plus with all the
babies being played, the bench damage helps a lot too. It gets a
4/5 in the wide-open world of Modified. |

Dark Raichu created quite a spark
(pun intended) when the Team Rocket expansion was first
released. When you're flipping heads at your best, DR is a
devastating attacker that can put your opponent at a quick
disadvantage. Even if you flip straight tails, 30 damage isn't
horrible. Not bad at all for a stage 1. Dark Raichu doesn't
suffer quite as badly from low HP like many of the other Team
Rocket Pokemon do, and at 70 HP is respectable. Your opponent
must deal with him or face the possible untimely destruction of
his entire bench.
In draft, he'd be decent if you didn't have to play Electric.
Top that off with a weak Pikachu basic, and he's "eh"
at best.
Standard: 3.5
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 3 |
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