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Pokemon Card of the Day
Base Set
Thanks to Birgir for the
Card Scan Today
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.63 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed February 1, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

There are two things
in the Pokemon TCG that you can only do once per turn. You can
only attack once per turn and you can only attach one Energy
card per turn. Anything that gives you an advantage in one of
these areas is very powerful. Blastoise lets you play as many
Water Energy cards per turn as you want (onto your Water
Pokemon) and this is a tremendous advantage in game Tempo. This
effectively makes you immune to Energy Removal and removes much
of the downside of evolved Pokemon (with high-cost attacks).
On the downside, you still have
to evolve from Squirtle and through either Wartortle or via
Breeder. These slow down the deck initially and make it
vulnerable until it gets set up and rolling. Can you win with a
deck centered around Blastoise? Sure, but its not as easy as it
was way back when just Base Set was out. Part of the problem is
the lack of good Water support Basics. You want to be able to
keep Blastoise on the Bench using its Pokemon Power, not up
front slugging it out. Unfortunately, that is what happens a
good deal of the time and so the deck has a tendency to run out
of steam.
Still, a card that is lots of fun
to play.
Standard: 3.75/5
Modified: N/A
Draft: 4.5/5 |
Ah, the raindance king! This guy
is a brute! Weakened by the mass amounts of lightning, he has
seen little play. But at one time, this was a beast to be
reckoned with! With good drawing power, you could have the game
won turn 2. Turbo was too little of a word to describe Rain
Dance. I played this puppy until Challenge, and almost lost a
qualifier to it in 2000. (September 2000, Chicago)
Standard Rating: 3/5 - Good but
weak to zap.
Modified rating: 0/5 - It'd
actually be GOOD, but I doubt Wizards would let you play it =P
~ RaNd0m |
Blastoise was once uncontested
king of all water Pokemon. Even when base set first came out,
those who knew the game realized it's power. And for a long
time, Raindance reigned over decks everywhere, challenged only
by Haymakers.
In today's standard environment,
Blastoise is still viable. With the right cards, you can have
unlimited water attachments on the second turn. But the most
rampant misconception is that Blastoise is meant to be a
bench-sitter. Not so. Throw him out there with 5 water and a
pluspower, and He'll mow down any Hay type you can throw at him.
Add in SER and Oak to keep the flow going, and Blastoise is
still dang good. Still a 3.75/5, despite electric weakness. |

('Tis I! Doll!)
Base Set Blastoise... *mumbles* I
hate turtles! When I ran my Venusaur deck when I first started
playing, and later when Dark Muk became my icon, Blastoise decks
were everywhere. Venusaur could give the Blastoise a run for his
money, and my Dark Muk deck destroyed it (can you say Fossil MUK
and ENERGY REMOVAL, boys and girls?). Ever seen a Blastoise with
no energy that can't Hydropump? Very, very pathetic.
But in it's HeyDay, Blastoise
decks were very solid against the general field, especially in
that any novice could pick the deck up and be successful. The
deck was raw power, extremely focused (BEAT on you, BEAT on you,
BEAT on you...) and simple to run. Haymakers could give it
problems by gusting and killing Squirtles, and Muk just wrecked
it, but all in all, it was decent.
Blastoise himself is a classic,
and for his sheer power and simplicity, he garners decent
constructed ratings.
In limited, he isn't nearly as
good, since you would need to draft lots of Water Pokemon,
Squirtles and Wartortles to use him, plus you would be missing
the trainer support to draw lots of Water energy. Still, if you
see him early enough to establish a good Water and evolution
base, you should grab him. If nothing else, in mint condition,
he's still a money rare. A first pick.
Standard: 4
Limited: 3
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