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Pokemon Card of the Day
Onix - Southern Islands

90 HP
Fighting Pokemon
Southern Islands Set
CC: Slam: 20x Flip 2 coins, for each heads, this
attack does 20 damage.
FiFiFiFi: Bind: 40 Flip a coin, if heads the
Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
(based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.45 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed January 15, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

is my favorite SI card. I am a big fan of Steelix, and
using Base Onix just simply wasn't cool. When this came
out I felt Steelix became a better deck. It's useful
versus Chansey, it has that 25% KO chance versus Electabuzz,
Clefable, Wigglytuff... and ya gotta love that 12.5% baby
KO chance. It's second attack is counterproductive.
Your opponent is going to use it against you if it's ever used.
Fighting decks don't exist, and even if they did, it wouldn't
play Onix. Sorry Hitmonchan. This Onix is great and
plays it's role in the strength of Steelix. I'd give it a
Modified, Onix and more importantly, Steelix, is just as good.
No Double Colorless for Slam, though. 3.5/5. |
In Standard: This is
a very, very good card in Standard. The best Onix released by
far. It's Colorless attack is so nice making him Splashable in
your deck, this goes along nicely with Steelix. Slam can be very
devestating to Fighting weak Pokemon. Getting both heads KOs
Electabuzz, Fable, Wiggly, and others. Don't look to see Bind
being used very much. As this Onix is more of a splash. The only
problems to Onix is Removal, his weakness, and the rarity of
getting 4 SI Onix. I give this Onix a 4.25/5 in Standard.
In Modified: This card is still great for its splash ability.
Where it loses its Removal problem, it gains a huge weakness to
Fire Pokemon once evolved into Steelix. Again, the rarity of
this card makes acquiring this card difficult for some people.
And the huge threat of Crobat, and Fire Pokemon (for Steelix),
can make this card difficult to play because of the much larger
weakness factor opposed to Standard. I give this card a 3.25/5. |
Onix (SI) in Standard
For 2 Colorless Energy, Onix has the
potential of doing 40 damage. (Flip 2 coins, for each heads do
20) Meaning an average of 20 damage every time you use the
attack. It can also Ko Clefable, Wigglytuff and Electabuzz if
both flips are heads. (which rarely happens) And not to mention,
it can also really hurt Chansey. It's just amazing. This Onix
weakens 4 of the many overused cards in the Standard enviroment.
All of the other Onix's...well, to say the least...they're =/
Its second attack, Body Slam is pretty bad. 4 Fighting Energy
for 40 damage and a 50% chance of paralyzation. It's just not
worth it at all. Who uses Fighting Energy in a Steelix deck?
It's first attack is what makes this card good.
Rating: 3.5/5
Onix (SI) in Modified
With the absence of all the popular and overused Colorless
Pokémon in the Standard enviroment, it makes SI Onix less
effective. It's still much better than the Neo Genesis one
though. Modified also lacks DCE, so it will take an extra turn
to use Slam.
Rating: 2.5/5 |
If you play steelix, you
MUST play this card. Slam is decent, and although body slam is
good, it makes it vulnerable to ditto. First turn KO's are
actually possible against electric pokemon. Please PLEASE play
this card if you play steelix...
Standard Rating: 3/5. It's good in steelix.
That simple.
Modified Rating: 4/5. DONT PLAY GENESIS ONIX! I would simply cry
if you did... because that would make you an idiot =P
If you can afford this card, get it. It's good. In fact, get 4. |

Southern Island Onix is one
of the most desired cards in the Southern Island mini-set. Like
most of the cards in SI, Onix's attacks are nothing to write
home about. It's first attack is flippy and does an average fo
20 damage and it's second costs 4 Fighting Energy so you are
unlikely to get to use it. There is one and only one reason that
the card is popular: It has 90 Hit Points.
If you are playing a Steelix deck, you
have Onix cards from three sets to choose from: Base Set, Neo
Genesis, and SI. If you are playing in Standard, the Base Set
one is your best choice. It also has 90 HP, but it's attacks are
marginally better. The Neo version only has 60 HP, so it is
vulnerable to one hit KO's from Grass Pokemon.
If you are playing Modified Format,
however, you can't use the Base Set version. Southern Island
Onix give you an extra turn or two to get your Steelix into play
and that is all that you really care want!
Standard: 3/5
Modified: 4/5 |
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