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Pokemon Card of the Day

100 HP
Stage 2 Darkness Pokemon
Neo Discovery
CCC: Slam: 30x Flip two coins, this attack does 30
damage times the number of heads.
DDCC: Trample: 50: Flip a coin for each Benched
Pokemon in play (yours and your opponent's), for
each heads this attack does 30 damage to that
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.31 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.19 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed January 16, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

is insane in standard. Needing 2 dark means it's something
that may be better off with the Brock's Protection + Brock's
Ninetales, but that's not exactly easy to pull off.
Tyranitar needs Transparent Walls or better, Unown D, to protect
your own bench. Tyranitar, when it gets going, can
definitely win the game in one or two turns by simply wiping
stuff out. 2.75/5
In modified, the absence of energy removal makes it better, but
it's still slow... the Unown D's get Zzzaped or Mean
Looked. =( 3.25/5. |
In Standard: First off, this
Pokemon HAS got to be played with Unown D, unless of course you
want to kill your Bench =/. This card also is a stage 2,
something Standard doesn't see very much of, requiring you to
Breeder, which can be taken away by Lass. Larvitar to T-Tar
through Breeder is a very hard transition. Larvitar is very weak
anyways, set up to be FTKd with its dinky 40 HP. Pupitar also,
is very mediocre, unless are you play is Fighting Pokemon...=/.
Tyranitar is also butchered alive by Energy Removal. This card
is so incredibly weak to it, its sickening. But if you can get
through the ER problems, the poor previous evolutions, and get
the required energy and Unown D, congratulations, you have one
the best attacks in this game, hands down. Its just getting to
that attack that is the problem. I give Tyranitar a 2/5 in
In Modified: Well the situations are pretty much the same for
Modified as in Standard with the exception of Energy Removal.
You still have to go through Larvitar, and Pupitar (both of
which get eaten alive by Crobat), get Unown D out, and get two
Dark or Rainbow Energy before your opponent wipes the floor with
you with their nice shiny Feraligatr. Hang in there, Tyranitar,
hang in there. (stole that from ya, Ness ;x) Again, if you can
get that attack off successfully without having your Unown Ds
KOed by the more popular than ever Pichu, then you have one of
the best attacks in the game at your disposal. And because of
the floods and floods of babies, T-Tar if played at the precise
time can destroy your opponent's backup and support as well as
50-90 damage a turn to the opponent's Active. T-Tar belongs in
Modified. I give it a 3/5. |
Neo 2 Tyranitar - Good? or
Bad? I personally
don't like this card... I've attempted with it and consistantly
fail. Why? Because it's hard to set up, that's why! In standard,
its flat out energy removal prone, which is ... bad. In
modified, it is still hard to set up... So in standard, we can
write it off with a 2/5 rating. In modified however...
Tyranitar is good with...
BROCK'S NINETALES! Yes, this is the card that makes it
work. Along with Blaine's Charizard and Blaine's Arcanine, you
can form a decent deck. I've made one, and it CAN beat any deck,
but it loses once you lose your Ninetales. Pretty much, I give
Tyranitar a 3/5 in modified.
Overall Rating 2.5/5 |

Tyranitar is a really fun card to get into play. If you
get his Trample attack working, you can be pretty sure of winning the game. Of course, getting it up and
running is the challenge. It is a 8 card combo and the cards need to be played in a pretty specific order:
Basic-Basic Energy-Stage 1-Basic Energy-Stage 2- Special Energy
(finally)- Special Energy- Unown D.
There are only a few of those cards that you could play out of order effectively. Contrast this to the 9 card
Wigglytuff combo: Basic- Energy (Basic or Special)- Stage 1- Energy (Special or Basic)- 5 Basics. There is
only one card that must be played first (the
Jigglypuff). All of the others can go in any order. This makes a huge difference in game play. Not to mention
that Wigglypuff's basic has 20 more hit points than Tyranitar's.
There is just too much needed to make this work to play it in Standard. It has too many weaknesses. On the other
hand, you have a bit of a shot of getting it out in Modified, if you can get the Basic to survive!
Standard: 2.5/5
Modified: 3.5/5 |
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