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Pokemon Card of the Day
Beedrill -
Neo Discovery

80 HP
Stage 2 Pokemon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.13 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.60 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed January 22, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

This new Beedrill has a unique triple poison. A very
useful way to KO something like Steelix that seems untouchable
with all it's shiny metal energies. The Neo 2 Weedle is
not awful, but remember that it is Stage 2, and versus something
like Sneasel, it's not going to get the job done. It's not
very useful versus babies, either. Here's an example:
Versus the Sneasel.. you Triple Poison.. even if you do get the
flip, the Sneasel retreats, and plays a Gold Berry, then you resign.
It's second attack, Pin Missile, is a weaker cross attack.
It's nothing special from a Stage 2. 2..5/5
Here it is stronger. Big bad Feraligatr is weak to grass,
Steelix is slightly more common. The second attack isn't
making Beedrill SER prone, either. 3.25/5 |

Discovery Beedrill is a card that will scare your opponents. It
isn't stopped by Energy Removal since its Triple Poison attack
only requires one Energy and when the attack is successful, your
Opponent must react to the presence of the Triple Poison or he
can say goodbye to his Pokemon.
Beedrill has the downside of
being a Stage 2 and having a weak Basic, but it's 80 HP and free
retreat help make up for it. The new rule change that Poison
shuts down Pokemon Powers is a nice bonus, too. It's second
attack is not likely to see much play in Standard, but will be
useful in Modified. An average of 40 for 3 Energy is not too
bad, especially when you add the 60 per turn that the Triple
Poison will be doing. All in all, a nice little package.
Standard: 3.5/5
Modified: 4.0/5 |
Neo 2 Beedrill... a
fun card to play, but does it make the cut to be viable?
Well first off, lets look at the
advantages. 80 hp, resistance to fighting, free retreat. Nice...
and then you see the obvious. What is that first attack all
about? A possibility to do 30 poison damage a turn? What was TPC
This card is decent, but the
problem with it is... its evolutions stink. Weedle (Sorry weedle
lovers ;x) SUCKS. Kakuna (mmmm kakuna lovers?) is WORSE! That
makes beedrill's rating lower.
Standard - 2.5 ~ FTKO make this
pokemon weak. It just isn't good enough in standard.
Modified - 3.5 ~ The anti-gatr
before Crobat... but once again, not the greatest. Blaine's
Arcanine can heat tackle it to ko it in one shot =\
Overall - 3.0 |
What better Pokemon
to be featured on the CoTD after the new Special Conditions
ruling than Neo Discovery Beedrill?
No matter how you slice it,
unless you run Turbo Snorlax, this card can really REALLY hurt.
A few well placed Gusts, a good flip, and you are toast.
It's fast, not terrible slowed
down by ER, has free retreat, and is just a huge problem if you
don't stop it right away. Of course, Weedle is not exactly
Haymaker level, but neither are Slowpoke, Squirtle, Totodile,
and Cyndaquil.
In standard, set up with ER,
Gust, and Breeder, this thing can really rake you over the
coals. I give it a 4/5 in standard.
In modified, it doesn't have
quite the speed, but it doesn't have to contend with Scoop Up or
Switch. Miracle and Balloon Berry hurt it though. I give it a 3
and 1/2 out of 5 in Modified. |
Beedrill (ND) in Standard
- For a Grass
Energy, Beedrill does its first attack - Triple Poison. It does
10 damage and you flip a coin. If heads the defending Pokemon
takes 30 damage worth of poison instead of the basic 10 damage
of poison after each player's turn. The damage from poison adds
up really fast. Do the math...By the time it's your turn again,
the damage done to the defending Pokemon will already be 70
(10+30+30). While the poison adds up quickly, you'll be building
Beedrill up for its second attack - Pin Missle (GGC). Flip 4
coins. For each heads do 20 damage. Probably averaging 2 heads
or so every time you use the attack. It's even hard for SER to
stop this card. Its first attack (Triple Poison) definately
makes this card a consideration...especially with the
"Special Conditions" being introduced to us later this
year. Stating that Poison stops Pokemon Powers just like
Paralysis, Confusion, Asleep and later on, Burned do. I'd give
Neo Discover
Beedrill (ND) in Modified - With the "Special
Conditions" being introduced to us in a later set this
year, this card 0wnz Modified. Triple Poison will totally
shutdown Ferligatr's power to Downpour. Ferligatr is also weak
to Grass, making Beedrill (and Crobat) the ultimate counter for
the overused Ferligatr. It can also stand up to bigger Pokemon
because Triple Poison adds up quickly. I'm giving it a 4.25/5
in Modified. It's even harder to stop in this format. |
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