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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Base Set 1

120 HP
Pokemon Power: Energy Burn: As often as you like
during your turn (before your attack), you may turn
all energy attached to Charizard that is not Fire
energy into Fire energy for the rest of this turn.
This power doesn't work if Charizard is Asleep,
Confused, or Paralyzed.
FFFF: Fire Spin: 100, in order to use this attack
you must discard two energy cards attached to
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Modified: NA
Reviewed January 11, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

think Charizard is both overrated and underrated. Of
course, there's always going to be the dumb little kids being
amazed by 120 HP and 100 damage, and then there's the so-called
"good" players who will swear at those dumb little
kids and tell them "You stupid kid (clean version), it
sucks." And why does it suck? Being stage 2..
we still use that because of the days of haymaker telling us
that evolutions were awful, it has an expensive attack, and it's
an overkill. Well, with Cleffa allowing easier evolution,
recycle energy coming out, and Chanseys all over, I actually
don't think it's that bad of a card. It's actually
close to being useable in standard. Shoot me for saying
it, it really isn't that awful. I'd give it a 3.25/5.
As for modified, it works great with Typhlosion.
Unfortunately, that little downside of being ILLEGAL makes it
bad. |

Charizard is a
card that people either love or hate. Either it is worshipped by
novices and collectors or it is shunned by elite players. The
truth about the card is really somewhere in the middle.
Charizard has two things going against it.
First, it is a Stage 2 Pokemon. It takes a lot of resources to
get the card out and keep it healthy. Second, it is an Energy
hog. Not only does it require 4 Energy for its only attack, but
you toss two of them away every time you use it! In the speedy,
ER intensive environment that is Standard, Charizard is usually
All right, so it's not Wigglytuff or
Sneasel. But is it really as bad as, say, Magikarp? No, that is
going too far in the other direction. Charizard has a pretty
decent evolution line in Charmander and Charmeleon. And while
its attack is hard to keep powered up, it is a one turn KO when
it does go off.
There are also some cards that have come
out in later sets that can help this behemoth. Recall or Neo:
Revelations Aerodactyl will allow it to use lower cost attacks
while it is powering up or to avoid tossing energy away when
less damage will get the job done. Chaos Gym can help it avoid
losing Energy cards due to Removals being played. Holo Entei can
help dump a lot of Fire Energy cards onto it all at once.
So, am I saying that it is a tourney
worthy card? No, I'm afraid not. But, then again, it sure is a
fun card to play. Give it a shot sometime when you are playing
for fun. You may enjoy it. There's nothing like seeing the shock
on your opponent's face when you slap that baby down on the
Standard: 1.75/5
Modified: N/A |
Well, Charizard is
only playable in Standard, so...
In Standard: The big bad mean lizard from Base that at one time
was one of the most popular cards among leaguers. This card had
all the little kids at your leagues running around willing to
trade and trade for one. And if anyone pulled Charizard from
their pack, then they were forever revered (Ok, now I am going a
bit far...=D) Charizard is also the most expensive
non-promotional card released in the U.S., and definitely
was a fear to be recognized. Ahhh...to stroll down memory lane.
But is Charizard usable anymore?
I really don't think so, and if so, in very rare circumstances.
Charizard needs to evolve twice (seeing Stage 2's in Standard is
a rarity anyways). Also Charizard needs four energy cards to
attack, and his Stage 1, Charmeleon needs 3 to attack. So that
transition from Charmander to Charmeleon to Charizard can be
hard to do. Charizard is also very weak to SER, and if you play
Breeders, then weak to Lass as well.
However, Charizard's Pokemon Power is very nice, especially with
Recycle energy. That glorious Pokemon Power that gives Charizard
his speciality, can be shut off by Muk. Charizard's attack is
nice, but very costly, especially in today's metagame. I believe
the only way to make Charizard somewhat usable is teaming him
with Brock's Ninetails. You lose the Pokemon Power, but with
Brock's Protection, you can keep Big Bad Pappa Zard's energy
safe. Its a long shot, but, eh...I give Charizard a 3/5. I mean
it CAN be nice with Recycle energy and a lot of Lass, and it is
usable with Brock's Ninetails.

Unown N can be good with the right cards.
Misty's Wrath is incredible with any cards. But...ugh...this.
This is...well, it's Charizard.
This card, arguably the most argued over
in the history of the game-if you go back through the Pojo
single card archive, you'll be able to find countless articles
regarding the durn dragon-why is sucks, why it rocks, etc etc.
But arugments aside, here's the final
verdict: it does suck, folks. Four Fire Energy for Fire Spin
with a discard of two is a bit much...its only saving grace
would be if it were included in Modified...in which it may
become a fighter. But alas...no modified for the big lizard. The
big guy may be shiny and sought after, but as a fighter, he's
sub-par. Although good for one of two hits, any good player will
strip him of his energy and beat him senseless in no time. Sorry
Charizard fans-this one's a no-go.
Rating: 1.5 (It's Base Set Charizard-need
I say more?) |

You want me to review Charizard? Okay sure. Why not.
Charizard is overglorified toilet paper. Charizard is a reason for people
to show they either paid too much for a card, or wasn't smart enough to sell
it off to someone who would pay too much.
"But Scott, he does 100 damage in a single turn!"
"Excuse me, newbie, but I didn't quite catch what your name was."
"I'm sorry, my name is......"
Listen. There is a 12 step program to no longer being a PokeScrub. For all
of you right now, take the first step..
"How To Overcome Being A PokeScrub, Step 1: Admission"
"Hello, my name Gastly Joe."
"Hello Joe!"
"I've been a PokeScrub for 6 months now, and I'd just like to say, that I
finally understand that Charizard sucks."
"Congratulations Joe - you may now go take Haymaker 101"
Listen guys, I could go on and on about how big a pile of crap it is. But,
the fact remains, Charizard kinda blows...hard. If your opponent has half a
brain, it never attacks, and it dies a lonely little 120HP Pokemon. If you
want Sir Fattie, play Chansey. If you want money, go sell your Charizard to
someone who didn't read this review.
In conclusion, Charizard sucks.
Constructed: 1.5 |
Suicine in Standard
Eh...it's decent in Standard. It's good when played with
Slowking because it stops Cleffa from Eeeeeeeking. It's major
drawback is all of the SER/Electabuzz being played. It's really
hard to get anything built up and be consistent with a high
attack cost in Standard nowadays.
Rating: 2.5/5
Suicine in Modified
This is an extremely good card in Modified. It Helps counter
Typhlosion/Blaine's Arcanine variants and stops Cleffa from
Eeeeeeeeking as well as Brock's Mankey to Taunt up a Slowking.
And not to mention, on Aurora Wave you'll always most likely get
1/2 heads to put the defending Pokémon asleep. And on rare
occasions you might get both heads and paralyze your opponent.
Not bad at all. Suicine is a really good solid card in Modified
with no ER/SER to deny it.
Rating: 4/5 |
Charizard is well... um... er... a
good pokemon. (Crowd screams!) Ok, maybe not. But it WAS decent
back in the base set days. It has two decent evolutions that can
do well, and it's 120 HP is the highest in the game. Add in
resistance to fighting, and you have a decent pokemon, although
the whole water weakness/3 retreat issue is ... well =/ I'll
give it a 2/5. |

Yes, boys and girls, it's Charizard: The highly-priced, fire-breathing, big,
bad mofo Lizard/Dragon thingy; the creature probably more associated with
the Pokemon world than any other. Highly priced? I have a mint 1st edition
Base Set Charizard that I can probably fetch a couple hundred for. Fire
Breathing? Yup, and fire eating (see Fire Spin attack). Big? 120 HP. Bad?
Oh, soooo bad in constructed. Lizard/Dragon... well, technically, he's a
"Flame Pokemon," but I like to think of him as a Dragon, which I happen to
Charizard was and is still the hallmark card of the Pokemon TCG. Touted as a
"super-rare," in all actuality, he wasn't any rarer than any other Base Set
holo. But he was humongous, had great artwork, and had an attack that looked
huge to unsuspecting little kids, and so brought with him the aura of "cool"
and collectablility.
But what is he really to the game of Pokemon, you ask? Okay, maybe you
didn't ask that, but I'm going to tell you, 'cause that's my job. Boys and
girls; this may come as a big shock to you, but as far as playability goes,
Charizard sucks huge flamage. Charizard, the Dragon, lives in medieval
times... among the lore and reality of Professor Oak, Computer Search, Super
Energy Removal and Gust of Wind. Times of speed and agility. And in that
world, I'm afraid our star of the Pokemon kiddie-deck is little more than a
large, flaming orange slug with a huge target on his forehead. Charizard
wears a t-shirt that says, "Gust me, ER me, SER me, Hydro Pump me."
Sheesh, I feel so disrespectful. Like I've betrayed the behemoth Lizard
somehow. But I do cherish this really cool Charizard plushy that Scott won
for me while we were at Dave and Busters, so I can't be all that horrible,
can I?
In draft, since deck support from trainers is lacking, he's a little better
as a playable card. Still, you need to run across enough of his earlier
stages to get his line to work. In any case, you really should grab him
first pick if you happen to see him. He's a great money card, if nothing
Standard Constructed: 2
Modified Constructed: N/A
Limited: 2.5
~ Doll |
Well, the card bites. it can't do anything in standard as it is
too slow to beat almost any deck in our current environment. It
would seldomly beat Steelix, which is also the archetype it is
strongest against. In standard I'd give it a 0.2 Its only use...
is for trading to the little kids at the league for a rockets
zapdos or something. =/
set 1... meaning it cant be used >_<!!! actually even if
it WERE allowed it would STILL stink. Just trust me here, there
are better versions of charizrd, the best being Blaine's
Anyways, I'd give
charizard an overall rating of... 0.0000000001
Once again, its ONLY use is
to make the little kids at your league drool.
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