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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Southern Islands

70 HP
Basic Water Pokemon
C: Soft Song: Remove two damage counters from Lapras
and the Defending Pokemon, after the attack, the
Defending Pokemon is now asleep.
WW: Ice Beam: 20 Flip a coin, if heads, the
defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Modified: 2.20
Reviewed January 14, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

is an interesting card. It's one of those cards that is
good at stalling. But in Pokémon, why do you have to
stall anymore? Stalling doesn't get you anywhere.
And trying to use this while your opponent is Eeeeeeeking
fliplessly just means they'll build and you won't. In
standard, I'd give it a 3/5. There's always situations
where you may have to stop your opponent's for a few turns so
you can get caught up.
In modified, I guess it's slightly better because water can
actually work in there.. so I'd give it a 3.25/5. |

Southern Island
Lapras is a fairly mediocre card. The Hit Points are decent, but
that is about all that it has going for it.
It has an attack for one colorless that
MAY heal it, but if it does, it also heals your opponent. It's
second attack does a whopping 20 damage and MAY paralyze the
Opponent. These attacks might be worthwhile in a Basic you were
trying to get to survive long enough to evolve into something
playable, but as an end unto itself, it is just not worth
putting in a deck.
Standard: 1.25/5
Modified: 1.75/5 |
C: Soft Song: Remove
two damage counters from Lapras and the Defending Pokemon, after
the attack, the Defending Pokemon is now asleep.
WW: Ice Beam: 20 Flip a coin, if heads, the defending Pokemon is
now Paralyzed
In Standard: The card is mediocre at best. I mean it has a heal
me and opponent type attack with autosleep. Its useful when
Lapras has damage and the opponent doesn't, but even then. Ice
Beam is almost standard. Two Energy, small amount of damage, and
possible status effect. How many cards have this type of attack?
This thing begs to be SERed in a heartbeat. It just doesn't do
enough damage in Standard, even with Raindance, it just doesn't
measure up to a solid Water Pokemon. Play the other Lapras, more
HP, and overall it gives you more options than this thing. I
give it a 2 in Standard as it has the autosleep, and poss
In Modified: Oh dear God. This thing is even more of a joke in
Modified. Sure it may not have the SER problems, but Modified is
all about big damage. Crobat, Gatr, Magcargo, Typhlosion can all
take this card down in one shot, just to name a few. Doing a max
damage of 20 in Modified is horrible, even with the Paralyze or
Sleep, a good player can maniuplate around them with Double
Gust. Please, do not play this card in Modified, there are much
better Water Pokemon...I give this card a 1/5, it is seemingly
pointless. Just keep it in that nice binder that you got with
the other SI cards.

Hmm...mediocre at best, in standard and modified. As much as I'd like to
sing its praises solely because it's a water type, I really don't see
anything noteworthy about 'em.
Gentle Song would be something if it didn't heal the opponent, but it
does-and in today's electric-filled metagame, the LAST thing Water needs is
attacks that heal the opponent. I'd much rather take Fossil Lapras and Water
Gun, thankyouverymuch.
And as for Ice Beam...well, one really can't complain. However, that seems
to be a recurring theme in SI-not too good, no too bad. Ice Beam does have a
nice WW for 20 and flip for paralyze-nice, granted, but it just dosen't cut
it. If it was, say, 30 damage, my response would probably be a lot better.It's amazing how much difference 10 damage can make, isn't it?
Yeah, I'd say the only thing that makes Lapras anything to look it is its C
retreat cost. That's nice and light, and we really can expect anything less
than C from something of Lapras' size. Unfortunately, fossil Lapras has this
little guy beat in every category except retreat-which makes him the true
ruler of the sea.
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 2.25/5 |

No Review Today |
Lapras (SI) in Standard
Its ability to heal iself
by 20 damage and do auto sleep for a Colorless Energy is quite
impressive. The downside to this card is that it also heals your
opponent by 20 damage too. Lapras' second attack (Ice Beam) does
20 damage and a 50% of paralyzation for 2 Water Energy. It's a
very good stall card, but that's about it. It falls short in
Standard because of all the Electabuzz and Rocket's Zapdos being
used. Although, I can still see it being used in some Raindance
decks. (when was the last time you've seen one of those
Rating: 2.25/5
Lapras (SI) in Modified
Lapras in Modified is definately more playable than in
Standard. You rarely see Rocket's Zapdos being used and
Electabuzz can't be played, so it makes Lapras MUCH less
vulnerable to Lighting. It's really good in Modified because of
all the fire decks being played. Typhlosion/Blaine's Arcanine
and Magcargo/Entei. I can see this card being used in Dark
Blastoise and maybe Ferligatr decks. It's second attack and low
retreat cost make it worth playing.
Rating: 3/5 |
SI Lapras: Well,
it certainly is an interesting card, so we'll look it over. 70
HP... nice. 1 retreat, also nice. Weak to lightning, a BIG
PROBLEM in today's standard environment. Gentle Song is decent
for a staller... but not that good. Ice beam is OK... but not
that good. Question: Why play this card in standard? Answer:
Because you must resign.
Standard Rating: 1.5/5
Honestly, this card sort of... stinks.
Modified Rating: 2.5/5
Well, here stalling is slightly important. It could make use in
a Feraligatr deck.
Overall guys, I don't reccomend
playing this card... at all. Overall Rating: 2/5. |
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