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Pokemon Card of the Day
Wrath - Gym 2

Wrath- Trainer
"Draw 7 cards, choose 2, then discard the
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Modified: 3.32
Reviewed January 09, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

In standard, Misty's Wrath is an interesting card.
Regardless of Item Finder, Nightly Garbage Run- when ya trash 5
cards you're going to be in trouble unless you can use the speed
to gain a fast advantage on your opponent. Otherwise,
through equilibrium that will eventually just occur on the
table.. your opponent will develop an advantage from simply
having more cards, and more options. That's why I only use
Misty's Wrath in.. or at least used it, in Crazy Sneasel.
Crazy Sneasel used it's speed to destroy their hand, and Unown O
with Chaos Gym, Rocket's Sneak Attack etc. would keep anything
useful from reaching their hand before Sneasel would wipe it
out. Anyway, I don't recommend it in standard. It could
have a use in Slowking to get Slowkings out fast.. but overall,
I really just don't think it's worth it. I'd give it a
As for modified, I think Misty's Wrath has more uses.
Getting water in the discard for Feraligatr, getting fire in the
discard for Typhlosion, and simply getting you what you need.
It actually would belong in Slowking, Crobat and Steelix
archetypes too, although it is less effective in these as they
can't make use of discarded cards. Because draw power is
more limited in modified, this has relative strength. I'd
give it a 3.75/5. |

The best tools for card drawing came out in the Base Set and
Neo: Genesis. In the standard format, there are so many great
choices that Misty's Wrath just doesn't make the cut. Professor
Oak and Computer Search and Professor Elm and, heck, even Bill
make better choices. You discard 5 cards and only keep 2. This
is like a Bill in a bad mood. There are few decks that can take
advantage of the massive discard and they are not dominant in
Standard. 2/5
With the Base set Trainers out of the picture, Wrath starts
looking a lot better. All of the drawing cards in Modified have
drawbacks of one kind or another. You just need to know how to
compensate for them. For example, Nightly Garbage Run will
recover many of the cards that may have been discarded in the
use of the Wrath. And let's not forget, Wrath actually helps
Downpour decks do more damage by getting Water Energy into the
discard pile. I've seen players dump 7-8 Water Energy into the
discard using two of these cards in a turn to KO one big
Defender after another. As long as Feraligatr is King of
Modified, this card gets a 4/5. |
Misty's Wrath is a great
card in modified, and a good card in standard. Many players will
pass this card up, using something else like Oak or Elm. Also,
choosing 2 cards of your top 7 give you great odds at getting
just the card you need.
In standard, I give this a 3.0. It is a
good card, but can easily be substituted in standard with cards
like Oak, CPU search, and Elm.
In modified, I give this a 5.0. It's
BROKEN! All decks that do well play this card. Seriously, I see
a deck without wrath in modified, and I cry.
In draft, I give this a 5.0. Seriously
broken. Very little card drawing in draft, and this is one of
the few. If you EVER play in a gym block draft, and pass this
up, you also make me cry.
Oh don't worry, I'm obsessed with that
phrase right now ;) |
In Standard: It is useable in Standard, but there are much
better drawing sources such as Professor Oak, Computer Search,
Item Finder, etc. Gets a 2.5/5 in Standard
In Modified: Three to four of these in all Modified decks is
becoming a must. Especially in decks such as Feraligatr, and
Typhlosion where one wants Fire or Water Energy in the discard.
It is also one of the few decent drawing sources for Modified as
well. This card just fits better with the whole Modified theme.
I give it a 4.5/5 in Modified
The Cons: Well, you draw seven, get two, lose 5. The only bad
thing about Misty's Wrath is that you lose 5 cards, and it can
be a huge transition especially if you had to discard some
important things.
Overall, however, Misty's Wrath is a nice card, but it is in
Modified where it can really shine.

doing Unown N earlier this week, this is quite a change. We go
from a card that makes you say "Oh, hey, that's kinda
neat" before tossing it aside to a card that makes you say
"...you are my GOD" before slapping it into a deck
In most decks, Wrath has taken the place
of Bill just because of its versatality. What would you rather
have; a card that gives you two cards, or a card that lets you
CHOOSE which you cards you want?
Perhaps the only downside to this card is
the hefty discard-boom, there goes five cards into your discard.
This makes it a little like a double-edged sword. Using it can
be mean a win if you get the right cards-nothing is sweeter then
seeing seventh card on your pull being EXACTLY what you needed.
On the other hand, six Energy cards and a
Slowpoke...yech. Not so nice. One thing that shows just how big
Misty's Wrath is; WCSTS decks this usually played the maximum
four of simply three trainers: Professor Elm, Double Gust...and
Misty's Wrath. Hail to the chief. ;-)
Rating: 4.5 (great draw power,
nasty five card discard) |

No Review Today. |
In my
opinion, this card belongs in only two decks: Sneasel Trap and
Ferligatr. Sneasel Trap doesn't necessarily need it, but
Feraligatr is dependent on it. I rarely see this card used in
the Standard enviroment mainly because there are much better
options for drawing power that doesn't destroy your deck (Oak,
Elm and Cleffa). Discarding 5 out of 7 cards is just crazy.
Standard: 2
Modified: 2.5 |

In a "Modified" environment where broken old-school trainers are not
included, cards that allow you to manipulate your deck, draw and search are
considered fairly vital. Misty's Wrath is amazing as a partial search,
partial draw card, getting you to the cards you need quickly. One drawback
is that if there are more than 2 important cards in your 7 draws, you'll
have to discard some of them. Another is 'Wrath can catapult you closer to
decking, so as an end-game card it isn't quite as awesome. But overall, it's
a trainer that will get you were you want to be, a heck of a lot faster. In
a game where quick set-up is paramount, Misty's Wrath is a solid answer.
Drafting -- I realize that many of you have not played draft before. If you
haven't, you should try it. It's a fun alternative to merely "busting"
packs, and gives you an opportunity to learn and use cards that would
otherwise never see the light of day in a constructed deck. The Gym series
is one of the best draft sets available, and you can get the packs fairly
cheap now. In draft, an environment where card draw is almost
non-existent, Misty's Wrath is a quick pick, a 1st or 2nd take in almost every case,
ESPECIALLY if you have lucked into any evolution madness.
- Modified constructed rating of 4.5.
- Standard constructed rating of 3.5. (The rating falls due to competition
with broken trainers such as Professor Oak and Computer Search.)
- Limited rating of 5. |
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