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Pokemon Card of the Day
Holo - Neo 3

Suicune - Holo
Pokemon Power: Crystal Body - Prevent all effects of
your opponent's attacks, other than damage.
WWW - Aurora Wave - 30 - Flip 2 coins, If both are
heads, the defending Pokemon is now paralyzed.
If only 1 is heads, the defending poke is now
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Modified: 3.75
Reviewed January 08, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

(holo) is an interesting card. There's been a lot of
rules debate about it. Especially about whether it stops
attacks like Zzzap. Personally, I believe it can stop
Eeeeeek, but I don't see why Zzzap. It still is DAMAGE.
Anyway, in standard, since Rain Dance is basically dead, and it
could only kinda work in Slowking deck. I'd give it a
3.25/5. This is an eccentric card. With Eeeeeeek being
such a popular opening, it actually can be considered a good
As for standard, this thing is great in modified. Works
really good in Feraligatr, especially since Crobat can't poison
or confuse it. It's one of Feraligatr's best Crobat
defenses. I'd give it a 4.25/5 in modified. It works
with Slowking better in modified, too. If it stops Zzzap,
it's really good with King. |

Holo Suicune will be a good
card to play one day. One day. But not yet. WotC has gotten a
ruling from The Pokemon Company on this card that is somewhat
ambiguous and contradicts existing rulings on Attacks such as
Agility. WotC has been asked for specific rulings on specific
combos involving this card and their answers have varied
substantially from day to day. They are working to clarify how
the card should work with TPC, but a quick answer has not been
Here is what we know for sure, though:
Suicune's Power (Crystal Body) stops the effects of attacks and
only allows Damage to get through. But the devil is in the
details. We are pretty sure that Crystal Body stops Eeeeeeek!
However, we don't know for certain if an attack such as
Metronome gets a chance to copy the 30 damage done by Aurora
Wave or if it gets shut down completely.
I find it hard to give a definitive rating
to this card until these issues are resolved. One thing is
certain, though. This is a good card. The only question is,
"How good?" Get copies of the card now before it gets
popular. It will be a staple of many decks once solid rulings
are made and the word gets out.
I'll give tentative ratings that are
subject to future rulings:
Modified: 4/5
Standard: 3.5/5 |
In Standard: Well
this card can be absolutely nasty with Slowking. Combo this card
with Slowking, and you can not only shut down their Trainer
game, but also their Eeeeeeeking power too. This thus, allows
you to capitalize on them while they are struggling to get
going. The Pokemon Power is really what makes the card great.
The attack is so-so, three water for 30, and 75% chance of
status, mabye if it did 10 more...
In Modified: This card is even better in Modified. Where drawing
sources are a lot more limited than in Standard. Again, combo
this card with Slowking, and you have the same effect as I said
earlier. Suicune ignores Crobat's confusion and poison, and also
deals double damage to Big Fire as there is much more Fire in MF
than in Standard.
Overall: The card is DECENT. But with Slowking and Trainer
Disruption is where it really becomes evil. The attack is
mediocre, a bit expensive for the damage. The power can become
quite abusable however. In Standard I give it a 2.5/5, and in
Modified I give it a 3.5/5. |

remember the giant problem with Muk and Ditto when fossil came
Well, take that dilemma, twist
and contort it, throw it into a washing machine and now you have
the complexity of Neo Revelation's holo Suicune.
All joking aside, any card that
makes WotC re-think some as important to the game as exactly who
attacking effects must be something special. And indeed, Suicune
doesn't let us down. Suicune is something special in that
nothing but _straight damage_ can nail him. And attacks like
Fetch and Eeeeeeek do nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
In Standard, he is perhaps less
than impressive, despite his unique Pokémon Power. The
overabundance of hard-hitting Electric types (read: Electabuzz)
sets him back a bit. His attack, while not too bad, is a bit
energy intensive; frankly, one would be lucky to get him powered
up before being knocked out. I highly doubt Suicune will find
space in any competitive Standdard decks.
In Modified, however, things are
a bit different for Suicune and his non-holo cousin. It goes to
reason that in an enviornment where draw power is
weakened, cards like Cleffa reign supreme. But wait! Suicune
stops ALL effects of Eeeeeeek! This can really make your
opponent's day harder-now they have to figure out what they're
going to do with a 30 HP punching bag sitting on their bench.
This alone makes Suicune better in Modified than he is in
Modified: 3.25 out of 5
Standard: 2.5 out of 5 |

No Review Today |
Suicine in Standard
Eh...it's decent in Standard. It's good when played with
Slowking because it stops Cleffa from Eeeeeeeking. It's major
drawback is all of the SER/Electabuzz being played. It's really
hard to get anything built up and be consistent with a high
attack cost in Standard nowadays.
Rating: 2.5/5
Suicine in Modified
This is an extremely good card in Modified. It Helps counter
Typhlosion/Blaine's Arcanine variants and stops Cleffa from
Eeeeeeeeking as well as Brock's Mankey to Taunt up a Slowking.
And not to mention, on Aurora Wave you'll always most likely get
1/2 heads to put the defending Pokémon asleep. And on rare
occasions you might get both heads and paralyze your opponent.
Not bad at all. Suicine is a really good solid card in Modified
with no ER/SER to deny it.
Rating: 4/5 |
Suicune is an interesting
card. With a power that stops everything but damage, this is a
card that is the ultimate way to beat out cleffas. Just send
this guy up while your opponent is setting up, and you have the
upper hand. His attack is OK.
Rating in Standard: 2.5. He's good, but
he's water. Water in standard = very hard to play.
Rating in Modified: 3.5. He is good here.
I mean good. In feraligatr, stall with this guy active vs. all
the cleffas. He can just chill while you load up. Seriously
Rating in Draft: 2.5. I don't see how he
can do much... but his power makes him good.
Overall: 2.8 or so. |
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