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Pokemon Card of the Day
Unown N
- (Neo Discovery Uncommon)
Yet |
Name: Unown N
N (Psychic Pokemon) 40 HP
Pokemon Power: Normal: Whenever an attack done by a
Colorless Pokemon does damage to one of your
Pokemon, reduce that damage by 30. If you have more
than one Unown N in play this Power does nothing.
P: Hidden Power: 10
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Modified: 1.85
Reviewed January 08, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Definitely worth
playing in Clefable and Chansey decks. Allowing a Chansey
with one metal to deal only 30 to itself, and with two metal,
only 10. Also works great with Team Rocket's Meowth.
Fits in to any deck that uses multiple Chanseys, including
Wigglytuff and Steelix. It's main weakness is of course
Murkrow, and because of Slowking/Murkrow's ubiquity, it is
sometimes difficult to play multiple Unowns and get away with
it. I'd give Unown N a 3.75 in standard.
In modified, it's best use (protecting from self damage) is
seldom because of the absence of colorless, self-damaging Pokémon.
I'd give it a 2.25 in modified. Meowth is the only
Pokémon worth using in modified with Unown N. |

Unown N is an effective part of
the Metal Chansey Combo. The Japanese version only protected
Unowns, so we got a much more powerful version than was
originally intended! In addition to giving Chansey a big boost,
it also protects against Clefable and Wigglytuff (not that you
see the rubber bunny as much as you used to...). Definitely a
card to consider for standard constructed. 3.5/5
There is less need for this card
in the current modified format. There are few colorless cards to
worry about other than Cleffa and Igglybuff, and they don't do
damage. Also, it is vulnerable to Pichu's attack. If you want to
use an Unown in Modified, Unown D or M make better choices. 2/5 |
Unown N is a great card.
Although it's use is normally limited to Chansey decks only, it
also can do well against the occasional clefable or wigglytuff.
'Tis one of the better unowns. It's gust bait though... which
can be a MAJOR problem.
Standard Rating: 3.0 ~ It's a good card,
but really only useful in Chansey decks, and simply put, 40 hp
with a one psychic for 10 attack... is about as good as base
gastly. The power is what matters though!
Modified Rating: 1.5 ~ This card
doesn't belong in modified. Nobody plays colorless as it is... and
it's only useful with a Lt. Surge's Raticate deck.
Who plays that?
Draft Rating: 3.5 ~ In draft this is a great
card. Colorless is ALWAYS used in draft, making this a good
metagame. |
In Standard: Alright, this
card is very powerful with certain self damaging Pokemon such as
Chansey, and Team Rocket's Meowth. This card comboes very well
with both of these colorless, self damaging Pokemon. Combine
Chansey with Unown N and some Gold Berry, and you have a Egg
with lethal potential. I give it a 3/5 stars.
In Modified: There are minimal uses for this card in Modified.
Colorless is almost unheard of in Modified, and they are even
fewer self-damaging Colorless in Modified. Leave this card in
your stacks of commons and uncommons...I give it a 1/5 stars.
However, as great as Unown N can be, its attack is very weak,
and is often ignored. Its 40 HP is something else to frown upon,
making it incredibly weak to Pichu, especially in Modified,
where Pichu runs rampant. Igglybuff can also be a problem.
Because you cannot play multiple copies of Unown N, one
Igglybuff can shut down your whole strategy the against the
opponent's Colorless Pokemon. |

Unown N...the
little bugger that makes us fear Chansey even more-or screw the
fluffball over, whichever you please. He's great as backup for
Chansey and other self-damaging colorless types, and along with
Sprout Tower, Metal Energy, Gold Berry and Chansey, it's deadly.
However, anyone that plays it on its own should get a C.A.T scan
as soon as possible. Aside from its power, there are better
psychic type punching bags out there. Like, Abra for instance.
One more thing: Watch out for Pichu.
Chansey. Unown N. ph33r. ;\
Rating: 3.5 (good, but not able to stand
on its own...uh...feet? =/) |

Four card of the
days in one night. This is what happens when (a) I get behind in
my homework, like this one, and (b) decide to double my own
homework. Check out my reviews over on the Magic Web Site if you
get the chance.
Unknown N. What is he? Tech.
That's what. Remember, tech is not always good. With the ability
to resist fun things like Chansey and friends, Unknown N has a
place in Standard Constructed. How much of a place?
Depends on your local metagame.
His potential in the format is pretty good, depending on what is
going on. Probably never more than 1 of him, but in the right
deck against the right deck, he's not bad.
In modified, colorless is not as
much of a threat, so neither is Mr. Unknown N
Standard: 3.5
Modified: 2.5 |
Unown [N] in Standard
Really good in Steel Chansey decks. This little guy has the
ability to protect Chansey by -30 damage. Metal Energy and Gold
Berry make the combo even more broken. Also useful if you want a
little techy suprise for your opponent that's playing a Wiggly
or Fable deck. But the drawback is that most decks play
Igglybuff or Pichu. Unown [N] makes Team Rocket's Meowth a
little more reliable and less suicidal too.
Rating: 3.5/5
Unown [N] in Modified
It definately makes Team Rocket's Meowth a consideration. It
may also help against Smeargle. But besides that, it's really
weak in Modified format.
Rating: 2/5 |
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