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Pokemon Card of the Day
Blastoise - Team
Rocket & Legendary Collection
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.25 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 4.00 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 2.25 (based on 53reviews)
Reviewed July 8, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Monday: Dark Blastoise
Great card. It's first attack is really
strong in MMF... doing up to 70. Satoshi showed me a deck
involving this brute the other day, and I must say it's extremely
good. Rocket Tackle with a metal has no drawbacks, and can be very
fun. And the second attack is a great finisher. WHAT A WAY TO GET
AROUND GOLD BERRY! 30 first turn with agility, 60 next with hydro
cannon. Kill Kingdra, kill Crobat, kill anything ;x
Overall this card is very strong.
Standard Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
New Modified Rating: 4.5/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
~ RaNd0m
Monday: Dark Blastoise
In Standard there's a lot of Buzz and Zappy
going around. It can easily be SERed. 70 HP is low for a stage 2
and a weak basic.
In the new Modified it's a beast. Hydro
cannon can OHKO almost anything with darkness. Rocket tackle is
nice with metal.
Standard 1.5/5
Modified 4/5
Draft 3/5
~ Croconaw88

Dark Blastoise:
Not bad for Unlimited, but it is a stage 2
and it doesn't have all that high hit points. It does have
super-charged versions of Water Gun (Hydrocannon) and Agility
(Rocket Tackle) and it can make full use of Breeder to attack on
turn 2. Of course, if you are going to use Evolutions in
Unlimited, you had better be getting more out of it than damage.
After all, Sneasel and Chansey will give you that for less
Now, once you look at this in Modified, it
shows more promise. The other choices for big damage are Big Fire
Pokemon and Feraligatr. Feraligatr will be hobbled when the Gym
sets rotate out and Big Fire is weak to Big Water, making Dark
Blastoise a viable choice. And, since it is weak to Lightning, it
doesn't have to worry as much about all the Grass decks that were
built to take on Gatr.
Drafting this beast, on the other hand, is
not a good choice. The Basic and Stage 1 cards are not worth
staking your game on, and since DB is a foil rare, you will be
lucky if you ever see it pop up in a game. You will not dependably
get this Evo line out in a match.
Unlimited: 2.75/5
Modified: 4/5
Draft: 1.75/5
Big Chuck
I didn't think I'd be up to doing this COTD after just getting
back from Origins, but hey, how can you skip out on Blastoise's
evil cousin?
Dark Blastoise isn't nearly as good as Base Blastoise in
Unlimited. 70 HP for a stage 2 is bad, but the attack makes
up for it somewhat. Prone to removal and Buzz/Zapdos.
2.5/5 here.
In Modified, it gets better. Good backup for Steelix when
you're playing against fire. 70 damage can be just great at
times. 3.5/5.
In draft, I thought it would be hard to get out, but Ness proved
me wrong when he got it out 2/3 games when he only played a 1/1/1
line. This thing is good seeing as lighting is weak and fire
is good. 4/5
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