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Pokemon Card of the Day
Kingdra -
Neo 3
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.87 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.50 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 2.24 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed July 10, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Wednesday: Kingdra
This is a good card as well. Everyone
initially thought water was killed in MMF, but now... we all know
the truth ;x
Kingdra, with a recycle energy, can be
devastating in combination with Pokemon Center. DEVASTATING. It
can take tons of damage, then erase it. This deck KILLS Espeon,
and it's one of the few that do. Honestly, Kingdra is a power
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
Limited Rating: 2/5 - In draft, stage 2's
are teh suckage. =/ Unless of course, you can draft 2 of them WITH
trainers to back it up. Uh, right.
Wednesday: Pokemon Center
In Standard I don't like this card.
Discarding all energy to remove all damage isnt all that great. =/
In the new modified it's great comboed with
the neo3 Kingdra. Other than that I don't see much use for it.
Standard 2/5
Modified 3/5
Draft 2.5/5
Kingdra - I like this card.
Not in standerd, or draft, as it's a not too fast stage 2, but
modified. It can attack for cheap, as it recalls attacks.
It can remove energy, and do alot of damage to boot.
Standerd - 1.5
Draft 2
Modified - 4

Lord Gothmog
I don't really get this card.
In unlimited, it has a kind face. The kind
that Electabuzz will chew up and spit out the lower evolutions of.
It can work with little energy, but unless you want to go through
Seadra, you won't be doing more than Fin Thwacking or
Smokescreening. And if you go Breeder-less, that's slow. 1.9/5
In modified, it'll be okay once the format
officially changes/at Worlds. But again, it's sacrificing
fastocity or power. The second attack is kind of expensive...
Although two heads is just evil. But two tails...you get the idea.
No weakness is good, but rogue electric decks(=\) will hurt it
before it can develope. 3/5
In limited, Stage 2's are generally not
good. However, non-holos are typically easier to get, and electric
is almost non-existant in draft. Just make sure you're drafting
Revelation with Genesis, Fossil, or Legendary, or it's utterly
useless. 2.4/5
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