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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Neo 1
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.37 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 2.37 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 3.83 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed July 15, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Lord Gothmog
(This week's card
This card is actually overlooked
quite a bit, but it's good.
In unlimited, I don't think it's that bad
for a Stage 2. The only thing that really hurts is the HP. The
other qualifications for goodness in standard are there: Free
Retreat and Low Energy attacks. 20 and an effect for 1 Grass,
that's pretty good. Slap a Focus Band on it, hold some Centers,
and go to town. 2.7/5
In modified, I don't know why this hasn't
been played as Anti-Gatr before. 40 and sleep, or 40 and heal for
1 energy against it. That's GOOD. 3.2/5
In "New" modified (Neo-On), it's
looking bleak. The good parts are still there, but ouch, fire
weakness. It's nothing more than a low-calorie snack to Arcanine,
Ninetales, or Magcargo. 2/5
In Team Multiplay, it doesn't have any real
advantages or disadvantages over Neo-On. 2/5 here as well.
In limited, it's good. Not only does the
Hoppip from it's set self-replicate, but the Skiploom is also
awesome. I've changed my opinions on what's good and what's bad in
draft, and Stage 2s are worth drafting if the lower evos are
readily available and good. I have to give it a 3.5/5
Monday: Jumpluff
JumPluFf MaDnEsS!NikePK from Pojo's irc
league is crazy about Jumpluff. One energy for any attack is very
nice. 1 grass for 20 and sleep/healing 10 is 0wnage.
In Standard its main weakness is Typhlosion.
70 HP is low for a stage 2 comboed with a weak basic doesn't make
it very playable.
In Modified 20 damage just isnt enough. It's
OHKOed by cargo.
In draft it's great free retreat.
Standard 2/5
Modified 3/5
MMF 3/5
Draft 4/5

Jumpluff (Neo Genesis)
If I had to choose between the Neo Genesis version or the Neo
Revelation version, I would definitely go with the Neo Revelation
version simply because it's faster. 20 damage and sleep status is
amazing for one energy, it's just too bad it's a low HP Stage 2.
In Unlimited, it's slightly playable because of its cheap attacks,
making it immune to ER.
In Modified, it's decent, but it just deals too little damage for
a Stage 2.
In Draft, really nice. The whole Jumpluff line can be easily
splashed into ANY draft decks because of their versatility and
Unlimited Rating: 2.4/5
Modified Rating: 2.1/5
Draft Rating: 3.5/5
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