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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Neo 3
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.50 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 4.00 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 3.00 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed July 17, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Lord Gothmog
(This week's card
Ampharos is a really good card.
In unlimited, I probably wouldn't play it.
Even though it does charge itself, it leaves itself open to SER.
In modified, however, it's excellent. With
Genesis Mareep, it's conceivable that you could have a Gigavolting
Ampharos turn 2. Or even with just 1 energy, you can still charge
yourself up to full power. Both attacks are just awesome. One is (imo)
the BEST one energy attack besides Eeeeeeek, and the second is
just dang good. 40 and paralyzed, or 60. Tasty. I have to give it
a 4/5. It's good. Real good.
In New Modified, it loses Rocket's Zapdos'
support, but there are alternatives. 3.9/5
In Team Multiplay, if the ruling that you
can use Attract Current's effect on your team mate is correct,
it's insanely good. 4.2/5
In limited, it's often unwise to draft
Electric. However, it's somewhat usable if you can draft colorless
or more electric. But Neo Revelation has no Mareeps, so you will
need to be drafting it with any of the other Neo sets. I would
probably raredraft this card unless something else very good was
in the pack. 2/5

Ampharos always shows up as a possible archetype in modified and
especially the new modified. Just because it's a stage 2
doesn't mean it doesn't work in unlimited, though.
It's fast, and it's Attach Current is simply amazing, and unique.
It has an equal chance of getting 1 or 2 lightning energy on your
lightning Pokémon. You can use this to power up the
Ampharos itself, another Mareep (or already evolved Ampharos), and
works nice to make Rocket's Zapdos faster. Tyrogue, of
course, is nasty to this card. Besides the fact that
Tyrogue is simply just a good card, this is one of the few used
cards still that is weak to fighting. A Smash Punch is a
huge threat, dealing 60, and leaving you with a 50% chance of
failing to attack it. The Tyrogue weakness is probably the
card's biggest weakness, as Tyrogue is popular in every deck in
every format, it seems. And Tyrogue is able to one hit
KO the Mareep, which is simply not cool if you managed to use
Static Electricity.
As for the new modified, the deck's great. It's one of the
few decks that stands a good chance versus Kingdra. Lord
Gothmog used this versus me after 4 mulligans... and turn 1, it
did what it was supposed to: IT MADE THE TABLE REALLY
YELLOW. Now, Tyrogue seems to hurt this deck a little
more in the new modified. Why, though? In
modified, Focus Band is more popular. A Focused Tyrogue, or
even worse, two, can take apart the whole deck. The
Rocket's Zapdos isn't there to protect that fighting weakness, but
at least the decent Zapdos is. Base Zapdos becomes a good
card when Ampharos is on the table, because without Energy
Removal, you can actually, pretty easily, build it up. And
then your opponent not only needs heads on Smash Punch, but also
needs to convince you Zapdos's resistance is a misprint.
Anyway, for standard, I think this actually could work, and people
don't give it a chance. I give it a 3/5.
As for the new modified, I give it a 4/5.
Sometimes, the Steelix is simply going to get built and Ampharos
won't be able to do enough damage. But hey- play the Zapdos.
Anything vulnerable to Tyrogue is flawed, though; Tyrogue is too
Wendsday: Ampharos
In Standard stage 2s just dont work very
well. Attract Current is broken 1 lightning for 20 and attaching
up to 3 lightning. Gigavolt is good either way.
In Modified there's just better choices.
With weakness to fightning that makes it Tyrogue bait. ;x
In MMF it's slightly better here than
In Draft it's a 90 beast. It has solid
Standard 2.5/5
Modified 3.5/5
MMF 4/5
Draft 4/5
You're so Tyrogued~ Croconaw88
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