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Pokemon Card of the Day
Ninetales - Gym Challenge
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.75 (based on 2 reviews)
Modified: 3.10 (based on 2 reviews)
Draft: 3.40 (based on 1 reviews)
Reviewed July 18, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Lord Gothmog
(This week's card
Blaine's Ninetales is often
overlooked for stuff like Blaine's Arcanine, or Blaine's Rapidash.
But Ninetales is different: raw power, concievably within 1 turn.
In unlimited, it's actually viable. Having
Blaine be able to charge it's attack in one turn means SER doesn't
hurt, and you might discard your own energies anyway. But it's 50
damage for 2 Fire, and it's power heals itself when you attach
more. I have to give it 2.5/5.
In modified, it kind of sucks that
Feraligatr won't be neutered until this card rotates out of the
format. But there is hope! Just play lots of Cinnabar Island Gyms,
Centers, and Focus Bands. Also, it acts as an anti-anti-gatr,
killing stuff like Venusaur, Jumpluff, and Meganium. 2.7/5
In limited, it's awesome. Common basic to
evolve from, self-healing, and big damage for cheap. The only
problem is, unless it's sealed deck and you get Blaine, or you
draft Blaine, you're going to have to skip a turn attaching energy
sometimes. But it's good anyway. 3.4/5

Ninetales is one of those cards that you just simply don't see in
unlimited. (Yeah, I called it standard, but then found out
standard, technically, is MODIFIED, which made me sick, so we get
to use the term "unlimited," now).
Anyway, Blaine's Vulpix is nothing special. They both have
the ability to remove damage from themselves, but with 40 HP, it
really doesn't matter. You'd think the power would be
better, but 40 HP and a power is simply Zzzap vulnerability,
especially in the old modified, so you're probably better off with
the 50 HP, powerless, Blaine's Vulpix.
As for the Ninetale's 60 HP, it can matter. Of course, the
first thing most people realize is that they can Blaine, and
remove 20. Not only that, but because of the attack's
downside, they can sometimes surprise their opponent with the
Blaine. Without Blaine, this card is literally unuseable.
Now, that 50 damage doesn't seem perfect, especially with Sneasel
having 60 HP, but people play that rainbow on the Sneasel and
leave that 10 damage there more often than you may realize, so
this card isn't simply something that gets devoured by Sneasel.
With old modified having such little time left, I'd like to rate
cards in new modified, but the card is simply illegal in new
modified... so, as for old modified, this card isn't that great.
The Pichu can take it down, especially if you get that tails on
Burn Up and don't have the Blaine next turn to attack, and they
get the free Zzzap.
I'd give it a 3/5 in unlimited. Afterall, when you look at
all the cards, this seems generous. There's a lot worse
cards out there, and that's why it doesn't deserve a lower rating.
It's average; it isn't that bad.
And in that old modified, I'd give it a 3.5/5. Seemingly
better, yet more Pichu weaken it. It's speed, and the
idea that a naked Vulpix is a 50 damage threat, make it a decent
card. This card's only chance versus Gatr would be it's
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