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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Neo
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.90 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.30 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 3.90 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed July 23, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Tuesday: Elekid
Grrrr... Tyrogue's mortal enemy/rival. Elekid does NOT own tyrogue. Sure, it's a great card, and doing damage without energy is elite, but
owning Tyrogue? That's a dream.
Elekid's baby rule is phat, and damaging from the bench is radical.
RADICAL I SAY. Seriously, it's a good card. It's a nice TecH in any MMF
In modified however, it's horrible. It's pichu bait. The mere fact that nothing is weak to lightning in Modified makes me laugh at people who play
it. It's =/
In unlimited, I don't exactly see the point. It's a waste of space.
Unlimited Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 2/5
MMF Rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 5/5 (BROKEN :/)
(This week's card
Tuesday: Elekid
OHHH I just dont really get "it". I think it's one of
the best babies.
Being able to damage without using energy is
ludicrous. In Standard
theres pichu to counter it. In Modified you can use it
to get around
focus bands. In MMF it makes a good anti Dark Blast
tech. But why would
you use it when you could max out on tyrogue? ;/ I
like it best in MMF.
Without needing energy it can fit any deck.
In Draft it's very useful while powering up your
Standard 3.5/5
Modified 3/5
MMF 4/5 (It still cant compare with tyrogue ;x)
Elekid - This card seems to
defensive for me... offense ownz all. If you're not having
enough energy to do an attack, you must be doing something
wrong. Of course it evades focus bands and such but it's
still too defensive for me. This might be a 59th or 60th
card I put in my deck just to round it off but definatly
not a focus. Baby stats are nice, especially with a focus,
making killing it a 2 flip scenario.
Standard: 3
Modified: 3.5
MMF: 3.5
Draft: 3

Lord Gothmog
Does anybody else just want to jam one of these things into a wall socket
and see what happens?
In unlimited, I can't exactly say it's bad, per se, but there is better
stuff to be had. It does have upsides: It's not an attack, therefor it gets
past the baby rule. It needs 0 energy. That alone makes it good. It's just
normally you'll want to attack with something you made the deck around. It's
a staple in No-Energy Stalls, and works in other decks too, especially low
energy ones. 2.6/5
In modified, it's pretty much the same scene. I haven't really seen it used
effectively yet. It's not really a Star-Card, exactly, it's just sort
of...there. I don't really know what to give it... and 2.7/5 is the first
number in my head. That's the rating, and I'm sticking to it. I don't see
any big change for new modified, either.
In limited, it's good. Not the baby I would want to open (coughcoughCLEFFAcoughcough), but it gets 3rd-4th pick. 3.5/5
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