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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Neo Discovery
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.90 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.18 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.30 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed July 24, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Wednesday: Kabutops
This cards really fast. It rivals Dark
Blastoise's power. Kabuto is like a chain reaction, and you get
like, 3 or 4 of these in play. It's hard to stop. Very few decks
can beat this once it goes off right, unless it gets tons of
I reccomend playing this with Steelix, or
Espeon in MMF. Both are great backups.
Standard Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 3.5/5
MMF Rating: 4.5/5
Draft Rating: 2/5
~ RaNd0m
Turbo Tops...err...Kabulix...err...Kabutops!
Unlimited: Well, I really haven't tested this deck in Standard.
But with there being so much Slowking, I'd hate to base my main
attacker on a Trainer which can be stopped by Slowking, that
wouldn't be cool IMO. But, if you got the swarms of Kabutops in
Standard, you could have a really cool deck going on. I mean it
attack for Fighting, and then Colorless for additional Hydrocutter
flips. You can also recover and attack right after being SERed.
Getting 1-2 Cutter flips in a row could be pretty vicious in
Standard actually. Because decks rely on Gold Berry, as stated by
me earlier this week, so with OHKOs going on, you could be in
business. Toss in some Ditto, mabye a Gligar and a Scyther along
with those lovable Igglybuffs, and you could have a nice little
Unlimited Deck going on. Be careful however against Scythers
(Jungle), they'd rip Kabutops a new one...I'll give it a 4/5. The
card has strength, and with the Kabuto from Discovery you can
power up multiples. It also recovers from Energy Removal while has
the benefit of using Recycles to ER your opponent. Very cool,
could work.
Current Modified: Well, this card can be pretty nice. And it was
the focus of one of my friends for a long time. Playing Rocket's
Hitmonchan and Skarmory with Kabutops equaled what is known as the
"Turbo Tops" deck. Those Basics comboed with Kabutops
offered a well arsenal of attacks and strategy placed over several
different Pokemon. But then along came a Crobat craze...and well.
Then of course Dark Muk followed, so Kabutops is pretty much
extinct (pun intended) in the Current Modified. I'll give it a
2.5/5. It has the power that it does in Unlimited, but with Grass
being so dominant, it just really should stay in your binder for
this format.
New Modified: Well this card makes up the second half of the famed
Kabulix deck. The concept of this deck is just downright
evil...(that's why Ness and Chuck had to play it at Origins).
Kabutops covers Steelix's weakness, and Steelix covers Kabutop's
weakness. So we have a symbiosis type of thing here. Play the
Fossils...build the Steelix...scare the bejebus out of your
opponent at the same time. A three-metaled Steelix with two
charging Kabutops sitting there on your opponent's Bench is not,
and I repeat IS NOT, a good thing to look forward to battling
against. In MMF, flips become so crucial when attacking with
Hydrocutter. You have to KO Magcargo FAST and hitting Kingdra for
High damage is also very needed. So if you can just develop the
Kabutops and are having bad flips, or can't get Kabutops ready,
then you suffer, especially against Magcargo. Anyways, I'll give
this monster a 3.5/5.
(This week's card
Wednesday: Kabutops
In Standard it doesnt work well being a
stage 2 with weak basics. 90 HP is pretty good for a stage 2.
Slash is good 1 colorless for 20. Hydrocutter is awesome 3 energys
for up to 120.
In Modified there's to much grass for it to
do that good. To flippy to tickle my fancy.;/
In MMF Tops/Steelix is one of the best decks
there are in MMF. =\ this will definitely see play at worlds.
Standard 2.5/5
Modified 3/5
MMF 4/5
Draft 4/5
Kabutops - Niccceeee. In
standerd it's too slow and if you wanna play a flippy card just
be like everyone else and run sneasal. In modified it's
not really a bomb as feraligator overshadows it. In MMF I
like it ... I like it ALOT. It's good company for steelix as
they both aren't exactly energy hogs. Also, this guy with
the kabuto's power from neo 2, with fossil eggs too, can all
combine to make out for some pretty fast kabutops. Good
hp, Retreat is so-so, Attack's are good but flippy. In
draft he'd be good but you base him getting out entirely on a
fossil egg flip unless you're drafting with LC also.
Standerd: 2
Modified: 2
MMF: 4
Draft: 3

Neo Discovery Kabutops
One of my fav cards in MF, especially now that Breeder and
Mysterious Fossil is legal. Hydrocutter, though a bit flippy, is a
decent attack even if you only get one out of three heads. Most of
the time you either flip one or two heads, making it worthwhile.
In Unlimited, Turbo-Butops works. Since it can use Recycle
Energies (as long as you have one Fighting Energy), it's strong
against ER.
In Modified, it can go off on the 2nd turn. That's FAST! One turn
can make a big difference, especially if you went first.
In Draft, it depends on what sets you're drafting with. If you
have to rely only on the flippy Fossil Egg, not really worth it.
Unlimited Rating: 3.5/5
Modified Rating: 3.9/5
Draft Rating: 2.5/5
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