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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Neo
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.75 (based on 2 reviews)
Modified: 3.25 (based on 2 reviews)
Draft: 2.50 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed July 25, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Thursday: Meganium
OHHH I hate this card. Honestly. This card
is actually GOOD in MMF.
Why? No idea. But combined with Venusaur and
Pokemon Center, it's frustrating. It's one of the few decks I have
problems with. Ridiculous. =\
The Pokemon Power is unbelievable,
ESPECIALLY with Venusaur. Moving grasses around that are worth
double? Geez! Turn 3 you can be solar beaming, scenting, whatever.
It's a great card, though. Sleep is annoying. =\
So why didn't this card show up in regular
Modified? I mean, the big three were Typhlosion, Feraligatr, and
Meg... OHHH Crobat. What does Crobat have that this guy doesn't?
OHHH free retreat. I gotcha. =\
Unlimited Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
MMF Rating: 3.5/5
Draft Rating: 1.5/5
~ RaNd0m
Meganium - I don't like this guy.
The idea of him is great and all but mostly you wanna run
another stage 2 with him, namingly venusaur. As the game
has usually proven more often then not decks running on 2 stage
2's don't work out so well. I guess you could run a grass
haymaker with meganium and use such cards as any scyther, pinser,
Standerd: 1.5
Modified: 3.5
MMF: 3
Draft: 3.5
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