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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Neo 2
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.17 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 1.17 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 1.33 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed July 23, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Friday: Dunsparce
This card is overpowering. Unbelievable. Dude, if you aren't
playing this card, you've probably had a previous experience with
a Catholic Priest, "or something".
Actually, it's unbelievably bad. Only good in a 30 hp
tournament. If it WASNT weak to fighting, it
had 50 hp, and had a free retreat, it'd be a decent basic. It's
attack isn't that bad. But the bottom stats and the hp stink.
Don't play this, honestly. =\ (I'm not being sarcastic this time.)
"So random, will it ever be a fad like the great tyrogue?"
The answer: No. It was attempted, but failed. Unlike base gastly,
this card wasn't THAT bad. So it couldn't have a fad made after
it. It also had to compete WITH tyrogue, so obviously it lost.
Standard Rating: 1.5/5
Modified Rating: 1.5/5
MMF Rating: 1.25/5 (Dude, 2 tyrogues will be played in EVERY
Limited Rating: 2/5
~ RaNd0m
(This week's card
Friday: Dunsparce
In Standard weakness to ER/SER makes it 2nd
best(Tyrogue is #1 of course). It will only be Tyrogue bait in the
end. It's 30 HP makes it like a baby pokemon without the baby
In Modified you need high HP and an attack
that can do loads of damage. Dunsparce definitely has high HP and
a strong attack. I mean 1 collorless for 10 and possible para is
In MMF it's weakend because Tyrogue is in
almost every deck.
As for draft i would like it better if it
wasnt in the same set as Tyrogue. It's just a weak karp like basic
with out a good evolution.
Standard 1/5
Modified 1/5
MMF .1/5
Draft 2/5
I'm addicted to Tyrogue I need help~
Dunsparce - I'm gonna prolly one of the guys who does not make a
joke about this. For all the readers who don't know...
this card is a joke. To sum dunsparce up "=/".
Standerd: 0
Modified: 0
MMF: 0
Draft: 0.1
(Pojo Note: The lowest possible
rating is 1.0 .... These ratings were upgraded to 1 for the
average ratings)
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