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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Neo
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.70 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 1.73 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 3.00 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed July 31, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Tuesday: Aipom
Quite possibly the closest thing we'll ever
see to a MrMonkey card. =\
Not a bad card... ohhh wait, it is. =\ The
card is pointless. Sure, you shuffle it into your deck, for what
purpose? And possibly a trainer. But what if you fail? Then, it's
tyrogue bait. =\ Not worth playing. I'd try tyrogue instead.
Standard Rating: 1.1/5
Modified Rating: 1.2/5
MMF Rating: 1.3/5
Draft Rating: 2/5 (Trainers are really important. =\)
Tuesday: Aipom
It's stats are weak 40 HP and weakness to
fighting. Pilfer could be good if it wasnt on a coin flip. Tail
rap is rand0mly weak. This card is just one pokemon that will
always get Tyrogued. In Standard it's to easily FTKOed. Why would
you waste a turn to pilfer when you could just use Item
In Modified and MMF it's pretty much the
same, getting Rogued and DGed for easy KO.
Standard 2/5
Modified 2/5
MMF 1.5/5 (Tyrogues are everywhere)
Draft 3.5/5
(This week's card
Aipom - Little monkey #1 for the
week. This card is truely random. Trail rap is not
that good of an attack obviously. 20 for 1 is good, but 1 for
flips is bad. Also.. shouldn't this be "Tail
wrap" ... is this little monkey a multi talented Rapper?
Are we looking at the next Eminem? Anyway, his bottom
stats are nice, but not overpowering. I like his pilfer
attack. This always stood out at me as some kind of
support card. Throw a metal on it and a GB, oak, and
pilfer it back. It also retrieves from graveyard. If
that wasn't for a flip he'd be amazing.
Standerd - 2
Modified - 2 MMF - 2.5
Draft - 3.5
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