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Pokemon Card of the Day
Moltres -
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.70 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.25 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 3.85 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed June 4, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

I'm really
happy to see Moltres back in the game. His Wildfire attack is
better at Milling cards out of your Opponent's deck than either
Dark or Shining Tyranitar and it would be good to see some
Active Stall decks in Modified.
Active Stall (where you don't just wait
for your Opponent to deck himself, you help him along) was all
the rage for a short time before the Gym sets came out. It runs
into problems, however, if there are good ways to get cards back
into the deck. The best way is via Nightly Garbage Run, but
Cleffa and Professor Oak can get the job done as well if the
player holds onto a huge hand in preparation for it.
Still, in that case, Moltres can go into
attack mode and do 80 damage on a heads flip, so the opponent
can't just sit back either. In any event, in order to get the
best use out of Moltres, the deck needs to be built around it.
Wildfire is no use if you just toss one or two into a deck.
Unlimited: 3.25/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: Big Hit Points, big Attack, small
decks. All of these combine to make Moltres a first pick, if you
are going with fire. 4.25/5 |

I still remember back to the days when Moltres-Stall decks were
viable. That was a fun time. Personally though, I never liked
the card. For Wildfire, you are sacrificing an energy for one card
which is NOT affecting the current gameplay. Yes, I
understand you can mill away important cards but it's all based on
luck. If you mill away useless cards, you just helped your
opponent thin his deck, therefore increasing his chances of
getting that certain card that he wanted. Now, if Wildfire did
SOME damage, it would've been a lot better. If you want a similar
attack that's a better IMO, play Dark Tyranitar instead.
Dive Bomb is bad. I never was a fan of Tails-Fails attacks. 70HP
won't last you very long as well. If you really like Moltres
though, I recommend playing Holo Ho-oh instead.
In Unlimited, can you say ER bait? It's just too slow in Unlimited
for it to be competitive...
In Modified, yes, you can get it out and running 2nd turn with
Holo Entei, but there are simply better choices like Ninetales,
Magcargo, Arcanine...
In Draft, this card is finally playable! Just build it up on the
bench and Dive Bomb away!
Unlimited Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 2.3/5
Draft Rating: 3.4/5

Lord Gothmog
Ah, Moltres, center of the
Wildfire archetype. For those who don't know, the strategy was use
Chansey, Scyther, and Moltres with Scoop Ups, and Pokemon Centers
to run your opponent out of cards. Definitely one of my favorite
In standard, I don't see why it couldn't
still run. There is Sneasel and Slowking, but there's also Focus
Band and Pichu/Igglybuff. ER isn't as big a threat as you
think, because you don't want to have too many energies on Moltres
at once. I have to give it a 3/5. It's a refreshingly different
In modified, Typhlosion will be viable in
August, making Moltres just that much better. Center and Scoop Up
were thankfully reprinted, and Miltank can take Chansey's slot. I
haven't seen it used yet, but I think it will work well. 3.8/5
In draft, the general deck size is 40 cards.
That's 20 less cards you have to burn for them to deck. Drop
Moltres, power up, burn through most of their deck in one shot...
Ouch. It'll end things fast if it hits the table. 4/5
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