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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
- Fossil,
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.60 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 1.87 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 2.20 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed June 4, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

**To the Tune
of the "Mighty Mouse Theme Song"**
Mys-ter-y why this card's made
Even more so if it's played.
Here it comes to Self Destruct!
That means that Mag-ne-ton just sucked.
Yes sir, you just threw away your game
Mag-ne-ton was just too lame.
Act-ive or upon your Bench
You just can't get away from that big steeeeench!
Unlimited: 1.0/5
Modified: 1.1/5
Draft: 1.2/5
(Pojo Note: Good one Pops! But me
wonders how many guys out there know who the heck Mighty
Mouse is?) |

Sigh. I have a very bad experience
with Magneton. When I first started playing Pokemon, I was one of
those people who wish that they open a Charizard. I bought a
couple of Base Packs, hoping to get Charizard, but no Holos at
all. Finally, my 11th pack... Magneton. T_T
We all know that Base Magneton is bad, but how does Fossil
Magneton do? 80HP is nice for a Stage 1. Sonic Boom is decent I
guess, Selfdestruct is... meh. I guess you can combo it with
Defenders and Gold Berries, but that's a lot of resources to
In Unlimited, this card is ER bait and Hitmonchan and Gligar are
quite popular, thanks to the rise of Clefable and Chansey.
In Modified, you can use Gold Berry and a couple of Metal
Energies, but that's just a big waste.
In Draft, I guess it's decent. You can finish the game with a
bang! ~_^
Unlimited Rating: 1.7/5
Modified Rating: 2.2/5
Draft Rating: 2.4/5

Lord Gothmog
Anyone else notice that in Bret
Larwicks Fossil Set Spoiler, He spelled it Mangeton? That's the
funny opener line. I've been asleep for 12 hours, give me a break.
In standard, I doubt anyone would consider
using this card. It's not all that bad, 80 HP is fine, and 20
damage without resistance. Self Destruct is ... not great. It
probably won't get that far. I really have to give it a 2/5. It's
not really as terrible as the Magneton stigma says.
In modified, think about the following: If
you managed to get 4 lightning and 4 Metal on it, it would be
doing 60/20 and having a -40 resistance to all attacks. It will
almost never happen. It's probably not even worth trying. But it
IS possible. Just in general, though, Magneton is pretty mediocre.
In draft, it's better. Stage 1 helps, 20 for
2, even if they have Sandslashs or Squirtles, and Self Destruct
can win the game for you, or at least turn the tide in your favor.
I say 3/5
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