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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Base,
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.50 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.60 (based on 2 reviews)
Draft: 3.10 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed June 7, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

The King is in
the house!
I admit right here that this review is
biased. Nidoking has been my favorite card for years. Automatic
double poison? OHKO of Mr. Mime? (boy, that shows you how far
back I'm going here...)
Nidoking is actually the Poster Boy for
what's wrong with Unlimited. Look at him. A beefy 90 HP. An
attack that takes out Chansey or Charizard over two turns,
whether Nidoking is still around or not. Double Automatic Poison.
And yet, you can't play him in Unlimited.
Not and win, anyway.
Now that he is in Modified, I hope to see
him turning up. He can be ready to roll on turn three so we'll
have to see how successful these 2nd turn Fire decks are. But,
if a deck is built correctly, Turn Three Toxic should do just
fine. Try him out. You might like him.
Unlimited: ER and weak Evo's kill him.
Modified: A little work makes him work. Any
nothing freaks out an opponent that having to deal with Double
Poison! 3.75/5
Draft: Holo rare with iffy evo's drags
down the rating. 3/5 |

This card was once the King of Poison Pokemon, until Neo Discovery
Beedril came out. 90HP for a Stage 2 is pretty nice, but the 3
retreat cost hurts it pretty bad.
Thrash is an inferior version of Base Electabuzz's Thunder Punch
since it require 3 Energies instead of 2. Some argue that you can
use DCE and Breeder to get it up and running on the 2nd turn.
True, but the DCE kinda conflicts with its next attack.
Toxic is simply amazing. 3 energies for a guaranteed 40 damage (20
+ 20), and another 20 damage at the end of your opponent's turn is
really good.
In Unlimited, it fears ER the most. Both attacks need lots of
energy to work and these kind of Stage 2s don't perform well in
Unlimited. Use Discovery Beedril instead.
In Modified, it can work really well with Meganium (Wild Growth)
as you can get it up and running on the 2nd turn (if you're
lucky). I rather play the Venium-Center deck though.
In Draft, status is huge. If you can get Toxic up and running
early, the game is yours. If you're drafting either LC or Base or
Base 2, you can get both Nidorino and Pokemon Breeder so you have
a decent chance of getting Nidoking out. I'm not really a fan of
playing Stage 2s in draft though...
Unlimited Rating: 2.5/5 (ER hurts it too much)
Modified Rating: 3.5/5 (MUCH better here. ~_^)
Draft Rating: 3/5

Lord Gothmog
You know, I never saw much of
Nidoking, even back in the day. If anyone wanted to fax me a
biscuit, I'd appreciate it.
In unlimited, you can have a Thrashing 'King
turn 2. With 90 HP, it's pretty good. However, the deck is stacked
against evos that aren't overpowering. Still...If you were at an
All-Grass tournament or something, it would work. 2.3/5
In modified, I can see it being used. The
lower evolutions are pretty lame, but it can be attacking third
turn if all goes well. Unfortunately, now that Breeder is back,
3rd turn is a tad slow. Still, 90 HP and double poison are quite
good. 3.5/5
In Team Battles, this is definitely better. Guaranteed
double Poison means, barring cure, it will do 80 poison damage by
the time play gets back to you. No flips, no flops, no muss, no
fuss. 4/5
In draft, you're unlikely to see a
Stage 2 rare get out very often. If you can, Nidoking is a good
one. 3.3/5
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