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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dewgong -
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.50 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.80 (based on 8 reviews)
Draft: 3.70 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed June 10, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Dewgong is a great little
It has a Basic with high Hit Points and decent attacks for
either straight damage or a chance at Paralyzation if straight
damage won't cut it.
Of course, it is not a top card, but pretty good for either
Drafts or starter decks since they are easy to get.
Unlimited: ER kills it. Playable with Blastoise. 2.75/5
Modified: 2.75/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |

This card is quite similar to Gyarados in terms of attacks. 3
Energies for 50 damage is always nice. 80HP for a Stage 1 is
pretty high as well. A chance to paralyze at the right time can
win you games as well.
In Unlimited, it's not really playable because of its weakness to
ER and Base Electabuzz.
In Modified, the speed is just about right. Like I've said before,
Fire will be big soon and Water Pokemon, like Dewgong, will be a
very good way to counter those fire decks.
In Draft, a really high pick. Seel is a decent basic and 3rd turn
50 damage is devastating, especially in draft.
Note: You might want to check out the Base Gyarados CoTD as both
cards are similar...
Unlimited Rating: 2.7/5 (Better basic than Gyarados)
Modified Rating: 3.8/5
Draft Rating: 3.9/5 (You might have a harder time drafting

Lord Gothmog
No Review Today.

Monday: Dewgong
looking for that next water card to replace Feraligatr in new
modified. I mean think about it... Fire is going to be RAMPANT at
Worlds, so what will you play to counter it? Water. What's good in
water? Dewgong. This guy's solid, with 80hp and a great first and
second attack, I see him doing well in the future. Watch out for
lightning :O!
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
~ RaNd0m
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