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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dewgong -
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.60 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 2.28 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 2.10 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed June 11, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Butterfree is
not bad, but not that good either.
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: Better choices are available.
Draft: 2.5/5 |

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Tuesday: Butterfree
don't like this card much... I mean look at it. It's seriously
weak. 70 hp for a Stage 2? Yuck. Whirlwind? Double yuck. Absorb?
Horrible cost, triple yuck. Nice bottom stats. But overall, this
card is pretty pathetic. Very weak to ER/SER, and in modified,
it's bait for some big bad fire pokemon to come rip it to shreads.
Don't play Butterfree... not even with N2 Caterpie :P
Standard Rating: 1.5/5
Modified Rating: 2/5
Draft Rating: 2/5
Tuesday: Butterfree
70 HP is pretty low for a stage 2. Free
retreat is always nice. In
Standard whirlwind isnt that great and
megadrain is just asking to get SERed. that combined with a weak
basic makes it almost unplayable.
In Modified 4 turns is to slow to stop Gator
or Crobat. Weakness to fire isnt good. Big fire will be very
popular in the new modified.
In draft a gust attack can help a lot, but
its still to slow.
Standard 1.5/5
Modified 2/5
Draft 2.3/5
There's not much to say about Butterfree. It's a stage 2
with a bad basic and a decent stage 1. Whirlwind isn't a
very good attack, seeing as most people would have a free
retreater on their bench. Mega Drain is just... expensive
=/. 4 Grass for 40? NOT cool. In Unlimited, every
possible factor stops it from being good. 1.5/5
Not much better in Modified. Magcargo OHKOs it without even
having to discard a fire. Even though it's grass, Feraligatr
would whomp it too. 2.5/5 here.
In draft, it's good if you can get it out. It IS a stage 2
though, so this could be tough. 3/5.
Butterfree - This card never really
stood out to me. A stage three with 70 hp and fre retreat.
That's so scytherish, but scyther is a basic. It's just
too slow in unlimited. In modified it is much more
playable but of course faster things are present and fire is
present too. In draft it's too much to throw into a stage
2. You would need like the perfect draft to get it and
even at a stage 2 it's not a bomb... If your gonna draft a stage
2 it HAS to be a bomb, no question asked.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2/5
Draft: 1/5
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