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Pokemon Card of the Day
Jolteon -
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.29 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: 2.26 (based on 6 reviews)
Draft: 3.04 (based on 6 reviews)
Reviewed June 12, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

A stage 1 that does an average of 40
damage for three energy. You might as well use one of the
Scythers that are Modified legal (the one from Discovery, if I
recall correctly) and get the same benefits at less cost. The
only thing you would get with this is the possibility of
metagaming Weakness in a rainbow Eevee deck. But that is
unfocused and will lose in the long run.
Unlimited: 1.75/5
Modified: 2.0/5
Draft: 1.75/5 |

Lord Gothmog
I don't know why they felt it
neccessary to leave out the fairly decent Dark Eevee evolutions in
favor of the Jungle ones. Let's just get this out of the way now:
Dark Jolteon is better, even if it has lower HP.
In unlimited, it's just not worth playing.
The weakness to fighting make it Gligar/Tyrogue bait, and the 3
energy cost make it SER bait. No good reason to play it.
Light Jolteon is way better, too. Sometimes the original gets
surpassed. 2/5
In modified, Big Lightning is small. It
would get it's roughshod run by just about any deck. 2/5
In limited, there's very little electric to
make it worth drafting, and even if you get something good,
Jolteon is only going to average 40 for LLC. Not all that good.

Wednesday: Jolteon
This card is decent. I like the first
attack, the attack that all three of the eevee evolutions have in
LC. Quick attack is an OK attack. But that second attack reminds
me of Crobat without confusion... and I love Crobat. 20x4 flips is
nice for 3 energy. Very decent card. Weak to fighting is a
problem, but not as big of one as it was before Neo Genesis. One
retreat is beautiful.
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 2.5/5
Draft Rating: 4/5
Standard Quick attack is
average. 70 HP for a stage 1 is decent. Weakness to fighting means
you have a good chance of getting Tyrogued.
In modified you need higher HP. Pin missle
is just a weaker cross attack. Being a stage 1 and neo discovery
Eevee makes it easy to get out.
In draft being able to do an average of 40
by turn 3 is very nice.
Standard 2/5
Modified 2.3/5
Draft 3/5
What can you say about Jolteon? He's just... average.
HP is average, Quick Attack is average, Pin Missle is average.
He gets an average rating. 3/5.
In modified, average doesn't cut it. If you're going to play
an Eevee evolution, go with Umbreon or Espeon. Why flip 4
coins for an average of 40 when you can flip 4 coins for an
average of 40 and confusion. 2/5
Jolteon is average here as well. Same as in Unlimited. 3/5
Jolteon - I always did like this
card. It's a very solid card especially since noone really
uses fighting anymore. Hitmonchan, Tyrouge, and Gligar are
about all you could expect to see from fighting and even those
are afraid of cards like scyther and MP mewtwo. It's first
attack isn't the best being a basic quick attack, but it's
second attack is solid for only 3 energy. In unlimited,
there isn't much it is strong against but energy removal slows
it down with it's double color cost. In modified, still
not much is weak to it but much faster...still flipsy
although... Crobat would outplay it in modified for various
reasons. In draft I would definalty draft it. The
only reason to not take it in draft is eevee is colorless and
when someone doesnt have a perticular pick for their deck they
can take the colorless one guilt free.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3/5
Draft: 4/5
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