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Pokemon Card of the Day
Vaporeon - Rocket,
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.12 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 2.83 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.18 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed June 13, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

I like this
card. You can make use of Darkness Energy, automatically remove
Energy from the active, do double to Fire, the Type to watch out
for in new Modified...
It's too slow in Unlimited and why use a
low damage attack to remove energy when you can use Trainers.
But, for Modified, I like it. I'd play it with other Denial
Pokemon, such as Slowking or Muk. I had a Dark Vileplume deck
with him in it, but that will only be legal for another couple
of months...
Unlimited: 2.75/5
Modified: 3.25/5
Draft: 3.25/5 (3.75 if drafting Rocket) |

Lord Gothmog
...Wow! A Dark eeveelution!
Praise Jebus! Woo-- Oh wait, it's Vaporeon. That is NOT privatek.
In unlimited, it just doesn't have a chance.
Sorry. It will get owned. 1.5/5
In modified, it might see a little bit of
play as pretty much the only Energy Removing Water. And with
Darkness, it can do quite a bit(e) of damage. Not terrible, but
not tournament caliber either. 2.5/5
In limited, it's a foil. That sucks. But you
could get more than one in a pack. Energy Removing is only fair in
limited. 2.9/5

Dark Vaporeon
Heh, I missed a couple of reviews this week thanks to my slow Net.
So, I'm assuming we're discussing Dark Vap. instead of its normal
cousin since it was released in LC instead of the Jungle one.
First of all, it's now a rare in LC. Why? Because the other
Eeveelutions are rares in the set as well.
60 HP for a Stage 1 is below playable IMO. We do have some pretty
good Eevees to choose from. Bite is okay with a DCE but that's it.
Whirlpool is a nice attack, but it just cost a bit too much.
In Unlimited, both attacks are weak to ER, making this low HP
Stage 1 even less playable.
In Modified, it's decent because you can remove your opponent's
energy cards, which is a rarity in the format. However, the
attacks do too little damage. Most Pokemon that are popular in
Modified can KO Dark Vap. in one shot, which is bad.
In Draft, it has a colorless attack, which is really good, as you
can definitely play it in your deck no matter what color you play.
It gets a decent rating because of its splashibility.
Unlimited Rating: 2.1/5
Modified Rating: 2.8/5
Draft Rating: 3.4/5
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