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Pokemon Card of the Day
Drowzee -
Legendary Coll.
& Team Rocket
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.88 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: 2.13 (based on 6 reviews)
Draft: 2.61 (based on 6 reviews)
Reviewed June 18, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hey, now here's
a card to add to your Dark Gengar deck! Put your opponent to
Sleep every turn. Of course, you have to worry about putting
yourself to sleep, but there are ways around that, right?
This is a card with a nice power. I like
to see unusual cards that are actually playable. Not too good in
Unlimited, but it fits in some Modified decks. Note that the way
the LC is sorted, you will get two Drowzee and one Snorlax
packaged together. This is great if you are playing sealed or an
alternate Draft where you pick multiple cards per turn.
Unlimited: 2.75/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |

Lord Gothmog
Nothing is cooler than
breakdancing Drowzee.
In unlimited, Status decks don't work too
well. Full Heal Energy, Scoop Up, and the like are staples. And
sleep is a fairly weak condition without Dark Gengar. Plus, the
attack isn't that good. I'm sure it could be used, but I really
don't see how or why. 2/5
In modified, Dark Gengar has had a
signifigent impact, and this provides yet another way to keep them
asleep. Lets you toast anything and everything easier with
Misdreavus. You know, it makes me think they reprinted this card
to improve Dark Gengar. Hmm...Conspiracy-y. 2.9/5
In limited, the downside of putting yourself
to sleep comes into play more than before. You're less likely to
have cards that get rid of status. But the attack isn't bad in
this format, and it makes a good addition if you're drafting
psychic. 2.7/5

Tuesday: Drowzee
There was once a really good deck that my
friend, Chris, used. It was a Dark Vileplume/Drowzee/Snorlax deck
that WORKED! It was unbelievable. He actually placed 3rd once in a
25 person tournament with it! It totally TecHed out, and did
extremely well. TR Drowzee doesn't seem like much, because it
still leaves you with only a 25% chance of actually putting the
opponent to SLEEP next turn. However, combined with Dark Gloom,
you long distance hypnosis first, then use Dark Gloom's power.
Normally you'll get the opponent with some status effect.
Standard Rating: 2.3/5 (Useful in that
snorlax deck)
Modified Rating: 1.7/5 (Dark Hypno in modified? Yeah, that'll be a
great archetype on the day Osama loves America.)
Limited Rating: 3/5 (It's quite a bit better here.)
Lets look at his stats. 50 HP is average for
a basic. The bottom stats arent great. His attack is decent 2
energys for 10 and sleep.
In Standard Drowzee won't cut it since its
evolution isnt even good.
In Modified you need a heavy hitter and
drowzee is just not one of them. It could be used in a Dark Gengar
deck but there's better ways of putting your opponent to sleep.
In draft special effects are always
Standard 1/5
Modified 1/5
Draft 2.5/5
No Review Today
Drowzee - Well, Drowzee... this
is a under-played card to say the least.
It's just not much of a card. Even it's
evolution isn't that great. Of course being able to do 30 damage
to a benched pokemon can be an advantage, especially to babies,
but for the cost of 3 psychic it's to costly. Drowzee is weak in
standerd, weak in modified, but I guess playable in draft with the
nice little confusion attack.
Standerd - 1
Modified - 1
Draft - 2.5

This is an interesting card. Long-Distance Hypnosis can combo with two
cards, Jungle Snorlax (now an uncommon in LC!) and Dark
Gengar. While it might not work so well with Dark Gengar, it works
really well with Jungle Snorlax.
50 HP and a mediocre attack isn't that good, plus there aren't any
good Hypnos around.
In Unlimited, the card is not really playable. I guess you can
make a fun deck with Snorlax but don't expect the deck to win a
In Modified, it's decent. It won't see a lot of play though.
In Draft, this is where it trully shines. Remember, Snorlax is now
an uncommon in LC, making it possible for you to get the combo out
easier. Status effect is hard to get rid off in Draft and
Snorlax's high HP is really great. I think it was a good idea for
WoTC to lower Snorlax's rarity as it makes it more playable,
especially in Draft.
Unlimited Rating: 2.2/5
Modified Rating: 2.7/5
Draft Rating: 3.2/5
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