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Pokemon Card of the Day
Heal Energy - Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.25 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.10 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.92 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed June 19, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Full Heal
This is one of the best cards from Rocket
and I'm glad that WotC included it in LC. It gives you
flexibility. You can play it even if your opponent is shutting
down your Trainers (via Slowking or Dark Vileplume) or, if you
are not playing against a deck that uses Special COnditions, you
still can use it as a colorless Energy.
Unlimited: 3.25/5
Modified: Effects are common. 3.75/5
Draft: Status Effects rule in draft. It's
good to have a counter. 4.25/5 |

Wednesday: Full Heal Energy
A decent card. Quite honestly, it used to be
a lot better than it is now in Standard. At this point, Standard
(or "unlimited" as it's now called) is ALL about
disruption and big damage. Modified, however, uses Status Effects
more. Dark Gengar is a force to be reckoned with, even though it
has no damage potential. And then there's the big guy... Crobat.
If there is any reason to play FHE, it's Crobat. Otherwise, it's
not needed.
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
Limited Rating: 3.5/5 (Limited is FULL OF
Wednesday:Full Heal Energy
In Standard there arent much status effects.
FHE is good if you are using Wiggly. In Modified Its good for
teching against Dark gengar or Crobat. FHE is good for Steelix
when Crobat when it confuses/poisons it. In Draft it's very good
with all the status effects. lol
Full Heal Energy - I like this
card.. It may not be the best energy in the world but it is
definatly a good energy to throw in if you don't need more basic
energy. Many pokemon have attacks that require a colorless
somewhere in the cost so it's not a big disadvantage to play it on
them. Dark Gengar was the big talk when it came out. Many people
thought dark gengar would storm it's way into modified, and many
people responded by throwing this in.
While gengar isn't as big as it was once
thought to be, it is still popping up once in awhile. I actually
like using these in my Kabutops (Neo2) deck. I like the advantage
of it helping out the attack, and being support in case I get some
nasty status going, and on the bright side, even if it doesn't
help an attack, it can be pitched to retreat.
Standerd - 1.5 (Not much status here.)
Modified - 2.5
Draft - 4 (Status is big in draft.)
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