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Pokemon Card of the Day
Snorlax -
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.50 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 1.74 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.15 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed June 20, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Snorlax was
reduced from a rare holo to an uncommon in the LC set. Many
players were confused by this change but if you stop to think
about it, the one and only reason that WotC made this change was
to prepare for Sealed play. Imaging getting a few packs of cards
for sealed play and inside you find that two packs has 2 Drowzee
and a Snorlax each. You instantly have a deck where you can
continually put your opponent to sleep while not having to worry
about your own Active Pokemon being affected by it. Or any other
Special Condition! And remember, Special Conditions are King in
Draft and Sealed.
Snorlax is not as good to play in
Unlimited or Modified because it is so slow to power up. Also,
Special Conditions are easier to get around, so you get less
benefit from it. Still, it is nice to see it back in the game at
Premiere events.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |

Thursday: Snorlax
Stupid Fat GUY! =\ This guy had a big
archetype made around him at one time, but now... it's time is
over. The idea was to use long range status effects to stall out,
but that really doesn't work anymore. Plus, pichu rains Dark
Vile's parade. (And Snorlax's too)
Standard Rating: 2/5
Limited Rating: 4/5 (stall... stall...
stall... ;x)
Thursday: Snorlax
Snorlax the lard pokemon =D. In standard 90
HP and no status effects is very good. But its so prone to ER and
SER you will almost never get 4 energys on it In Modified It's
just way to slow and not enough damage. With weaknes to fighting
again you will be Rogued.;/ Snorlax will just be Double Gusted and
be a punching bag.
In Draft it's slightly better but is an
energy hog. His power works good in Draft not being effected by
speacial effects.
Standard 1/5
Modified 1/5
Draft 2/5
Snorlax is pretty bad in Unlimited. It will never get to
attack vs a high removal deck, and resigns to a Mean Look with
Sprout tower. Naaaaaaasty retreat cost, and there are more
Pichus than status effects in Unlimited, so the power is bad.
In Modified, it's just a tad better because of no removals.
30 damage will get you nowhere fast. Once again, a lot of
Pichu. 1.7/5
In draft, this guy is good. High HP, good power, and
colorless attack. Make him a first pick. 4/5.
Snorlax - The sleeping wonder.
Snorlax has it's advantages and disadvantages. Advantages -
Colorless attack costs, 90 HP, Can't be status's , Causes status.
Disadvantages - Retreat, 4 energy to deal 30 + status, status is a
flip. The card can be good with DCE and switch, or it's modified
friend Ballon Berry. The bad thing with snorlax is that his attack
costs 4, so he is very prone to energy removal and in modified, we
have yet to see a reprinted DCE. I would almost be afraid to bench
this card if I wasn't immediatly going to use it since it's gust
bait, to allow opponent to power up in the time it sits there.
There are some decks that have gone with this over time. A benched
drowzee or dark gloom constantly having a chance to put opponent's
active asleep or confuse them with no drawback (As long as snorlax
is active). I guess if you added dark vileplume you'd have
something decent going.
Standed - 1.5 (Prone to ER, Ser, Gust)
Modified - 1.5 (Needs to much to pump)
Draft - 2 (It's a big body)
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